Moxie Six

Definitely Lobo's transitor radio headphones. That one was sheer genius.

Ohhhh! You nailed it! She could totally pull of Leia.

Yoda would totally by played by Mr. Miyagi.

A costumer with a love for the book the film with Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey was based on?

Yeah, it went totally batshit in the last season. Man, I love cheesy stories like that.

It's too bad they're spinning it like they are. I haven't watched many of the clips but I did notice they've embellished the beginning. I read it when it first came out (I actually read it before Twilight) so it's been a while but I remember it starting with Wanderer and not Melanie's back story.

LOL! Oh man, this made me smile.

Yeah but those are indie games. The profit for this goes to one of tithe big studios. It's a perception thing.

You know, I was thinking about it yesterday and I don't think the VM kickstarter success will easily to replicate. Rob Thomas had not only a legion of fans on his side but it was also a novelty. Something like that hadn't been done before. In fact, the guy who payed for the top level spot (the 10k speaking role)

HA! Wasn't there a fan campaign that involved sending the WB bottles of it to show their support?

Well, I was being a bit over-dramatic for for fun but I really did love Roswell.

Man, I'm having the worst time with comments. It either disappears completely or only posts half of it. Anyway, I wanted to say that The Middleman was far superior to Buck Rogers. It was so inventive and funny!

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I'm in the same voting-for-the-loser-almost-every-time boat. I mean, I get it with Roswell. It's super cheesy but

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What? Have you all no respect for the greatest piece of television cheese in the 21st century? Roswell is an American classic, people! Recognize.

You know, the film might feel like Twilight with Aliens but the original source material definitely did not. I like my heroines to be feminist ass-kickers and Bella certainly wasn't one so I was definitely not a fan. I did, however, enjoy The Host. Both of the female main characters in this book fight for what's

Thanks Greg!

Hey Greg, how do you stream what people you follow have posted or, if that's not an option, what's the purpose of following someone?

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Where's the Dread Pirate Roberts when you need him?

I was promised fluffy hair, popped jean jacket collars, coy poses, and possibly a feather boa. There were none, my friend. None!

What is up with those masks?! The first thing I thought of when I saw the one of the right is it must be some sort of low-budget "Mask" (starring Eric Stoltz and Cher) reboot.