Even if it wasn't intentional, the Farm Boy reference makes it seem that way.
This looks... AWESOME! I loved Oceans 11 and who doesn't love magic? The fact that it also looks cheesy and like it doesn't take itself seriously is the icing on the cake. I can't wait!
Here, here! I totally agree. I actually think it would be kinda amusing to check it out. I think movie tie-ins in general are kind of funny. The more obscure the better. Like that Twilight themed flat iron last year was HILARIOUS.
You were thinking about this and cannibalism while eating the mushroom and sausage pizza at Booksmith's game night a few weeks ago, weren't you?
There is nothing more titillating than a verbal (friendly) battle of wits. I absolutely melt when some guy plays the clever/funny one liner one-upmanship game and can keep up with me or even best me. It's the whole "let me ogle what's inside your head" but with amusing geeky references and laughs.
Amen! I remember when I first saw her on Lost and thought, "Oh no. It's her and that damn baby all over again."
Me too! It was so amazingly cheesy and it just got more and more batshit every season. I'd force my roommates in undergrad to watch it with me and moon over Michael.
Hey guys! I have a suggestion. I can totally see the allure and thought process behind the new commenting system. By highlighting the most popular threads, it encourages casual users to engage in the most popular threads a lot like the (relatively) new site layout does the same for the articles.
Aww, thanks! I wish I could but it's Mother's Day and, while I love you all,I love my mom much more :D
Aaaaand Eridani! But I won't be able to come :(
Now that would be way cooler.
You'd think after the Neil Gaiman episode, a fleshlight would be more appropriate.
Sorry, Charlie. If someone can make you French all of a sudden the concept of free will goes out the window. As for her being sentient, reread my initial comment. I never said she wasn't sentient. I said she wasn't a sentient being with free will.
"If it should fall in love with its creator is that wrong because the creator had a hand in its creation?"