You'll also need to utter "Oh boy," to yourself throughout the evening.
You'll also need to utter "Oh boy," to yourself throughout the evening.
Hey, now. I bought Unholy Magic full price from Borders. I just don't like paying so much for eBooks. I'd be happy to pay three bucks for a mass market eBook but not the same price as the paperback.
Woohoo! I love the Downside series. If Neverwhere and the Felix Castor series had a baby, it would be Downside. Chess is a lot darker and more realistic than most UF heroines out there right now.
Don't know where you are but Comcast has Starz on special for ten bucks a month and there's no contract.
OH MY GOD, THIS CHIMP IS RELATED TO MY FRESHMAN YEAR PHILOSOPHY PROF. The professor gave us this exact (hypothetical) test and then got mad at the women in the class for not guessing that one should urinate in the tube to raise the ball up.
I thought I'd hate but I found myself liking it. I just wish Styles was more... Styles-ish.
Booo! Tinfoil is less effective, Esther! I've never once seen ANYONE manage to get a decent seal with foil. You may as well just float a paper towel on top of whatever you're covering to achieve the same results.
I can't believe I just googled "porpoise genitalia" and when that didn't work, "porpoise sex," "porpoise mating," and finally as a last ditch search term, "porpoise vagina." It was a mix of aquatic mammal porn and odd facts but no real information on what was particularly noteworthy about their naughty bits. Thanks…
@CrashedPC: Yep, that's who I first heard about Jackalopes from.
Awesome reference, Jay. Joey and his impressions were so creepy.
Oh, dear lord! My Buddy has EVOLVED.
So... any release date yet for the iHomunculus? I thought they said this year's iPhone was gonna be more like an iPad. Shows what the rumor mill knows.
Actually, I don't care one way or another about Firefly. I was pointing the flaw in your argument but I can see it's just not sinking in.
No, I did. That's my point. It was the only television show I even offhandedly referenced. I never mentioned Firefly. That was never part of my argument. See where I'm going here? Your rebuttal about a counterargument has absolutely nothing to do with my original statement. You disproved nothing.
A wellspring of originality? You can't possibly be referring to Battlestar Galactica because that was a remake of a really crummy TV show of the same name from the 70s.
Nathan Fillion tweeted this this afternoon.
It's all happened before and will happen again.
@Justin Henehan: I can't remember what it was now, but when I announced on the #observationdeck that I wanted to work vagenda in to my vocabulary, and Turtle made up the male equivalent. Cockspiracy maybe?