Moxie Six

@bethikus nerdimus: Hate... chocolate? This is definitely a foreign concept to me. Is it the taste or the sweetness? I really like dark chocolate because it isn't as sweet I guess.

I'm not a supertaster but I do find things that contain a high percentage of sugar cause my tongue to feel painful. I've only come across one other person (an elderly Japanese woman which puts her solidly in the most likely to be a supertaster category) that said she experienced the same sensation from sugar.

@Dirk Anger: I guess I'm just not around broken bones as much as I was when I was a kid. Plaster casts still seem normal to me.

@Shamatta: Maybe the use of fiberglass isn't as widespread as one would think :)

@van_line: Wait, what kinda casts do they use now?

@Unknown2U: I think he looks like the drawing of Reed Richards used in the graphic of he and Walter.

I had no idea that Ashton Kutcher was secretly a member of the Fantastic Four.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: I meant to mention, btw, that the seams on his pants also twisted slightly from the thigh down to the ankle. Yes, I spent a good portion of the reading staring at his clothes because I was so enamored with his look.

@Halliday: Didn't see any filed down buttons (nice reference, btw) but there were zippers everywhere :D

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: I wrote on the o'deck! I kept trying to see if there was a name brand on the heels of his shoes because there was nothing on the front. His clothes were ... I don't know what to call it other than hyperstylized subtleness. Both the pants and shirt were synthetic with odd zippers everywhere (the

@Annalee Newitz: You're welcome. I wish I had seen you there. I would have said hi. :)

Now playing

I grabbed some footage from last night's reading. I was practically honor bound to do so as I had the best seat in the house.

I grieve for what we have yet to lose. Terry Pratchett and his silly, touching wonderful worlds have been there for me since and I was a kid and I wish there was a way I could be there for him.