
no knowledge of the 1979 Iranian revolution

I’m just waiting for the outrage over the deaths of millions of Americans from gun violence, police and opioids funded by the same government who feigns concern about some guy killing his own people in another country.

Still waiting for a white person to explain to me how blowing up some goat farmer holding an AK in the Afghan mountains, defends my Constitutional Rights, that are always being threatened at home by said white people who start wars on the other side of the world.

No idea. Haven’t exactly kept tabs on the guy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Go away troll.

When I think sex at birth is unchangable based on your genetic makeup that is uncontroversial

Biological sex is profoundly more complicated than two neat little buckets that are “male” and “female.” The problem is that Forstater isn’t approaching sex as a set of biological factors expressed and socially intersecting in nuanced ways - she presents sex as a simple set of two buckets, without nuance, and then

Who here has said gender=sex? We pointed out the way in which you’re wrong, and your response is to create strawmen and, again, imply that “both sides are doing it”.

I do “natural” make up at work meaning I spend about 3 minutes doing the basics and no one thinks I wear make up at work. If i show up with a true bare face people think I died and my ghost came in...

Heads up, “easier to understand” does not necessarily equate to “accurate”.

You’re still wrong. Biological sex is not wholly determined via genetics, and it’s also a spectrum.

The idea that “sex” as a concept has no cultural underpinnings is also pretty flawed, though. It’s not an objective thing that exists in a vacuum, but a collection of common characteristics used to group and categorize. Take any of those common characteristics, especially the ones people like to point to as scientific

Have you read the ruling? If not, I suggest you read it because this woman did not only say that “sex is unchangable” (which ignores the existence of intersex people, but OK), she also said a BUNCH of transphobic crap over the years in letters, tweets and emails, including “transwomen are men.” That is why she was

Does anyone remember that C-list comedian Brian Regan? He had this bit about getting glued to the couch for so long you couldn’t even change the channel and ended up watching whatever dumb shit came on late at night/early in the morning, like golf or fishing. That they’re dumb and boring sports on their own, but

Always amazed when makeup tutorials claim a look that took 15 minutes to produce isnatural”. Girl/Boy/Them, no. Nothing about you looks natural.

To say “sex” is unchangible is not inaccurate, as of today we cannot change our genetic makeup. Its not possible, if you die and your genetics are tested even after transitioning you’ll be identified biologically as what you were born as.

Thanks for letting us know your plans. In any event, it sounds like you’ve already made up your mind about whether this firing was justified so....

This is inaccurate, though. Sex is not based solely on genetics, and people who believe you cannot change your sex are not “scientifically accurate”.

Someone needs to tell Olivia Jade that Influencers have been cancelled.

My dad had a great take on Brad Pitt that I think is really true - he’s an amazing character/supporting actor trapped* in a leading man’s body. I’ve found his supporting stuff (Inglourious Basterds, Snatch, Oceans, Fight Club maybe) much more compelling than most of his lead roles.