
“The Girls”???!!!

Yup. Came here to see if anyone else thought that too. I find him highly annoying and unfunny.

Thank you for posting this. As always, I learn things here that just aren’t as accessible anywhere else. Thank you.

It’s easier to understand because it’s simplistic. And wrong.

Genetics, hormones, biological differences are a product of the different sexes. To say “sex” is unchangible is not inaccurate, as of today we cannot change our genetic makeup. Its not possible, if you die and your genetics are tested even after transitioning you’ll be identified biologically as what you were born as. is that shot of Cher and Cage at the opera for those wondering what they looked like back then in their Sunday Best:

Ugh. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose your partner in life after 27 years. I have a friend who’s going through it now, after almost 30 years together (she’s in her late 40's, so she was really young when they started out). She’s a mess. Her entire life has been upturned, her financial plans ruined, her

Yes please. I’m getting tired of posting “Fuck Justin Timberlake” every time he’s mentioned.

I liked Goodfellas. A lot.

Let me start by saying that I’m not a lawyer, so I welcome input/correction from anyone who is.


Look, I’m by no means an authority on this, but does The Class (TM) seem like one long lesson in appropriation? 

...the contradictory blend of hope and futility that characterizes being black in this country.

The story about those 3 men exonerated in Baltimore was discussed on Canadian radio last night (that’s how impactful these stories are) and they had a spokesperson from the Innocence Project (I think), or a similar organization that helped shepherd the investigation. In her review of all that went wrong with the

This is a very healthy approach. Why put yourself through that? 

I completely agree with the Timbaland assessment (and I stand corrected on another comment I made on a different thread, so thank you for the correction).

He’s a coward who built [much of] his fame on the backs of women he’s had relationships with: from Britney, to Janet, to Cameron Diaz.

How infuriating. If your friend happens to live in Toronto, I can recommend a doctor.

And again, Fuck Justin Timberlake*

I fired my doctor of 15 years after she insisted I take Folic Acid at 40 years of age because of course I’d change my mind about not having kids. That was my last visit.