
While I am in agreement for the most part, you can’t pretend that the timing of Hillary’s statement wasn’t deliberate. This wasn’t her expressing her grief, it was a political action pure and simple. That so, the politically motivated responses are more than justified.

She watched her life’s ambition crater, and she has to live with the fact that she managed to lose an election to Trump for the rest of her life. Through a combination of pride and arrogance she’s still of the opinion that the reason she lost was entirely due to others, not her complete inability to offer an obviously

I saw a woman respond to Tlaib’s apology thread on Twitter who called her behavior deplorable. “You realize you’d be nowhere without @HillaryClinton,”

Holy shit, I may just be done with political discourse for the day. That someone actually put their fingers to the keys to type out such inane fuckery as this. WTF. Do

Clinton shouldn’t be denigrating any of the Dem candidates. If she’s going to be out publicly talking, she should spend her energy taking on Trump and his GOP co-conspirators and why they are making the country worse on a daily basis. Stop being salty about ‘16. Hell, you wrote a damn book. Move on to something more

“I wish I didn’t have to tell you this”

My son works 50+ hours a week in a salaried position. His employer does not offer health insurance coverage because it’s cheaper for them to just pay the penalties.

Hasn’t he just replaced drugs with religion though? Anger with condescension, resentment with smugness, disrespect for women with putting them on a pedestal. There photos of him and his wife the other day where he looked like he was smothering her with pda and she was trying to get him to dial it back. Change is not

Man, and now I’m annoyed that I read all these garbage responses again lol. Also responding super late because I cleared cookies and logged into an older account lol.

See also:  Siblings of Prince Philip

Right? Like an ACTUAL Nazi. Not just a sympathizer, and not an unfortunate resident of a country that had already fallen victim to it, but a real live breathing Nazi. The Queen Mother’s lifelong hatred for her (and subsequent refusal to give her HRH) has a helluva lot more to do with that than because she married a


Tits are more offensive than guns.  Fuck this country.

Username appropriateness: Appropriate.

Her and Coco Chanel. All the cute little bios of her cropping up these days don’t seem to linger over that.

Fuck this shit. I’m done with the internets for the day. 

Fuck the monarchy as a general rule, but damn it’s wild whenever a story involving Wallis Simpson doesn’t also note that she was, you know, a Nazi. Kinda one of those things that should follow your name around forever. 

The only letters Wallis Simpson probably wanted were ‘SS’, so that was probably a good call.

Queen Elizabeth is on par with the NFL then.

I wish the fuck HRC would STFU. She had 2 runs at the WH and failed to make the ticket and then failed the election. It sucks and we’re left with a huge flaming pile of shit, but goddamn HRC you are NOT helping.  I’m done with Clintons.  Chelsea better fucking stick to hedge funds and corporate seats and let the idea

Peggy Siegel is 72 years old and has run one of the top showbiz PR firms in NYC for 40 years. Surely she must have a substantial nest egg. DOESN’T ANYONE JUST RETIRE ANYMORE?