
This motherfucker needs to be outed, arrested, and convicted; otherwise he’s going to go over to the next county and get another job doing the same shit. It’s only a matter of time until this asshole kills someone’s child.

You read the “Mississippi” part, right?

This is a good start, now charges need to be filed and this asshole put under the jail. Even with this monster gone, how is that poor kid (or any of the others) supposed to feel safe at that school now? The way the kid went limp after the first slam, it's going to take a long time and a lot of help for him to heal.

and steroids, its closed/open secret 


It’s one of those qualities that you don’t get to say you have, other people decide that based on your actions and behaviour. 

Yup. See also: I’m not racist, but...

I think it’s like Madame Tussauds was sweeping the hip-hop section and just shoved them all together for a moment.

When I saw Harvey with the walker the other day, I reminisced fondly about that brief period where Cosby was “blind.” Remember that? Haha, good times.

I’d wager that every bit of his “broken” look is planned and probably even professionally done before any public appearance or interview.

No one, celebrity or otherwise, should feel obliged to label themselves as one sexuality or another just to make other people comfortable.

Well, they tried the usual thing of wearing sweatsuits in between routines, but the cats just keep wriggling out of them.

Holy shit that contour (his)

Missy Byrd and Elizabeth Beisel, manufactured complaints against Spilo to convince Kim she had an ally

I have never heard this word Haint before, thank you, it is delightful.

Oh lordt, I did say all of them when I meant Khloe and the terrible man. I can’t edit it now, curses!

I disagree that they’re all too old for this. Jordyn is 22. 19/20/21 when it all went down. This is the exact drama early 20-somethings would get in.

All these people are TOO OLD for this bullshit. This is high school shit. I just looked up Khloe’s age-she is 35. THIRTY-FUCKING-FIVE and she’s passive aggressively posting on Instagram stories (the Snapchat of Instagram) about the 22 year old who kissed her exceptionally piece-of-shit ex at a party.

My dad cheated on my mom the entire 27 years they were married, and finally left her for the love of his life, who was a haint sent from the underworld to destroy all joy. When dad died, he’d been married to the haint for 27 years as well, and my mom STILL REFERRED TO HIM AS HER HUSBAND. She’s prewritten her own

Thank you for reminding me this website’s target audience is half my age.