
I love the shots she had in her feed. She was like "Y'all, some disaster had better not interrupt my wedding", LOL 

Okay, so, here’s the thing: I get it. If your core, central belief on which you base your entire life holds that any kind of interference with a pregnancy is equivalent to murder, these policies make sense. What’s some suffering/discomfort compared to the literal life of another being and, potentially, your immortal

Was the nurse under the impression that they could stop you from going elsewhere if you were Catholic?

Sounds like yet another reason why the US needs universal healthcare, with government run hospitals.

This is just another reason why the US needs nationalized, single payer, healthcare. Churches shouldn’t be running hostpitals unless those hospitals are regulated the same as any other hospital and have to offer all of the same services, regardless of religious beliefes, to all patients.  This is pure bullshit.

“I don’t agree that she’s been humiliated. She didn’t make an ass of herself, her father showed his own stupidity.

“I ain’t gonna let my daughter grow up to be like the women I cheat on my wife with!” - T.I. probably

At a cafe in Brussels:

I’ve never shared what I have tonight and your solidarity has left me in tears. Thank you! :hug: 

I had a very similar sort of dad, and I hope for you what happened to me after the old drunk died: we began to get along splendidly, and he became exactly the dad I always needed. Death is a miracle sometimes. 

And SheEO. Never, ever should have been used in serious conversation.

We don’t know nearly enough to make that judgement call. As the child of an absent at times who had two additional kids with a new wife/life, I often wonder if I’d be a less fucked up person if my dad didn’t try faking being my father. Now he’s an old drunk and wants me to be in his life and that’s fucking me up even

I stopped watching like seconds after DSmoke had the line “she wanna get faded like a Native” in his song with Miguel. He’s positioned as the “conscious rapper” of the show, and then Chance the Rapper, also woke, didn’t say anything about that line. I was so angry that I started to cry. I am Indigenous, and it became

If he impregnated her accidentally and made it clear to her he had no interest in parenting and then she chose not to have an abortion, is he really the asshole? As long as he’s writing checks I don’t think so.

Honestly an absent parent is better than a present one who really sucks, so maybe it’s for the best. 

Well... Actually, let me preface this by saying I’ve never really liked the guy, however, after his botched suicide attempt, his decision not to have anything to do with the life of his daughter might have been a choice made from that experience, as well as the crushing malady that is depression.

Also, "boss lady." The worst 😁

That and the fact he wrote a book called TRIGGERED and brought his girlfriend on tour to yell at hecklers who were mean to him. 

With all the work she’s had done to her face it’s like he’s dating someone other than Gwen Stefani now.

I think being with Blake Shelton disqualifies her as being a ‘FASHION ICON.’ Maybe it’s ironic!