
If it’s just a violation, couldn’t the officer have said “Eating is prohibited in this area, would you mind putting that away?” Easy, right? Nope! They’re always packed and ready to go on their power trip.

Men II Seniorz

A friend of mine ate at this douchenozzle’s steakhouse for some business dinner. Ironically, her opinion was that the food needed more salt.

So it could be that I’m sick and I’ve taken an unspeakable amount of NyQuil but I have no idea what this article is about 

I’ve taken and taught yoga teacher training courses over the years and this is not a standard adjustment. Not at all. This is some dude being a pervert.

When I taught yoga we’d have a short sitting meditation at the beginning of class where everyone’s eyes were closed. It gave students a chance to unwind and for latecomers to settle in, and that’s when I’d ask students to give a physical gesture (like putting one hand on their stomach) if they didn’t want to be

Thank you, Jez, for the reporting. I hope his victims see justice served soon.

Reading about the "diaper change" I'm really confused because how is that even an adjustment? In the classes I've been in, adjustments have consisted of slightly moving your shoulders or scooting your foot over a bit (and my instructors have always asked). The diaper change just sounds like dry humping.

I think you’ve got it.

High-level dance and competitive athletics probably have more in common than not in this regard, as you rightly note. Lots of dancer and athletes basically get told that they’ve got great technique/skill but will never have the “ideal” body type to achieve at the highest levels. Sometimes that’s true; other times it’s

Agreed on all counts. I’m still a work-in-progress when it comes to appreciating what my body can do more than what it looks like. It’s been a hard road.

I’m curious about what specifically “doesn’t work” about consent cards in Kest’s case. Is it that when students are given the option they tend to be verbal about not wanting to be touched, as opposed to being able to take advantage of their silence?

Jesus, as a fellow tall girl, I can’t even imagine what someone’s body would look like and how they would function at 6'2" and 115 pounds. I’m glad she got treatment, and I hope the road gets easier for her. Also, this was really well stated, thanks for posting it. I’m a tall woman who struggles with my weight in a

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The NYT link puts the video behind their paywall, but the Times also posted it on YouTube, so if anyone wants to watch it they can:


Runners don’t tend to peak as early as swimmers, and female runners actually peak later—late 20s or even early 30s. That’s why it was a bit surprising when Mary Cain decided to go pro instead of running in college, especially since she’d harbored serious academic goals as well—she wanted to go to med school. (I think

Thanks for proving my point.

Et tu, Jeff?

Jeff is entitled to his opinion and I am also entitled to lower my great esteem for him.

I arrived in this country seven years ago on the day before Thanksgiving. The next day, as I walked past all the food loading up my paper plate (the fact we were using disposable plates and cutlery already made things seem strange), I took a little bit of everything. It was as I was eating, I came to realise how