
I feel like it’s appropriate to threadjack here and talk about how G/O has gone from “WE ARE DELETING EVERYTHING BUT THE MAIN PAGE ARTICLES AND COMMENTS FROM KINJA KTHXBYE” to “Okay never mind” in the space of, like, 3 hours?

I hate that you said “racist algebra”. It got me thinking, and, as it turns out, 3/5ths of 8 years is 4.8 years... 

Considering all the shit that’s been going on at G/O media, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of the writers and commenters who have made this one of the best sites on the internet.

“[Biden] worked with Barack Obama for five years” 

The Royal family is about as modern as the Pope is cool. All William and Harry did differently was pick their own wives. Those wives completely transformed their lives to fit into royalty while the men did nothing to change theirs. So THAT didn’t really change.

Meanwhile, the royal-friendly British press has been pumping out countless articles in the last 6 months about an Andrew & Fergie remarriage, in order to inundate the public with a fabricated late-life romance - or re-romance, as it were - to offset the actual news of Andrew’s behavio[u]r.

Honestly - it takes a special team to destroy a website in a span of several days for no apparent reason.

Whelp, here we are. Deadspin has finally spun down.

Charles was born in 1948 so the only Nazis he presumably met were his paternal relatives, and I doubt he took any of them out, although I bet he had a swagger stick.

I’m just pleased that the realm will be in the confident hands of a genuine war hero. Look at all those medals and gold fourragère and that big-ass chain. Dude probably singlehandedly took out a bunker of Nazis with nothing more than a swagger stick and received pronunciation. 

Why is that man so red in the face. High blood pressure or what?

Let’s change that!

It seems a little weird to have an article about a performer being erased from videos that doesn’t include a picture of the performer?

Seriously, the point of the book is that Ronan got a hell of a lot of pushback on the story where normally it does not occur. It sent up flags but Farrow kept on because he had deadlines and still pursued them.

It was about the process of getting the story published and the institutional bullshit that protected people like Lauer and Weinstein. I don’t think it minimizes anything about the victims, it’s just about a different-ish topic? It’s like being mad at All the President’s Men for focusing on Woodward and Bernstein

It is important to remember that Farrow’s sister, Dylan, wrote about the “grooming” and alleged abuse she suffered at the hands of her father, Woody Allen. In a piece for the Hollywood Reporter in 2016, Farrow lays bare his personal stake in the movement—his sister’s suffering—and it is this investment that led him

I have not read this book. But it sounds from the review that this is just not the book on the matter that Megan wanted to read. I’m sure, however, it’s exactly the book that Farrow set out to write.

Someone tell me I’m not the only one who initially read this as pushed her ‘mother-in-law’, instead of ‘stepmother’ down the stairs and was like, damn, she went out for the QUEEN! for a hot second?

Racism truly is a mental disorder. Get that ass dismissed.

My blood still boils thinking about Botham’s brother, the judge and the bailiff showing any empathy to this murderous caveling, when she would have shot any one of them dead without flinching as well. I wonder how those dummies will feel if their actions wind up helping this bitch get out of her already way too short