
Can we dispense with all the “it’s both of them” false equivalences? Amber Heard is no angel nor does she need to be. But no one deserves the treatment Heard is alleged to have gotten from Depp.

I think it’s disturbing to worry about /his/ child when the questions were about him paying to sexually abuse someone else’s child.

My, but Jackie sounds cunty!
I once had a really nice conversation with Carly when Boys In The Trees came out. I had a radio program at the time and I was talking about the lyrics. When I went to commercial, the traffic director excitedly told me she was on the phone. She was really a sweet lady.

Thank you. I've told my mom over and over again why I don't reach out to my siblings - namely because they are unable to give me the support I need. For example, one of the driving reasons I never told my sister about my pregnancy is because I knew she'd complain about my weight. No, Mom, I don't care if she doesn't

It’s just what I thought when I imagined her writing the book!

*Name not changed because fuck her.

Breaking: Adult Siblings Don't Live in Each Other's Pockets, Occasionally Disagree.

Starred for *Name not changed because fuck her.

Who knows if this is true but..

I am friendly with someone who is friends with Carly for a number of decades. From what I am told and have seen, she comes across as a wonderful, intelligent person with a great sense of humor, but like me with a tendency to want to think only the best about those around us. This anecdote, true or not, doesn’t

Her mother raised her and her sister Lee from day one to do one thing and one thing only: Get a rich man to take care of you. She was raised to see other women including her sister as nothing more than competition - she almost had no choice in the matter, but she really is one of history’s most glorified gold-diggers. 

Grasping onto the threadbare comfort of nostalgia with the twisted fingers of old age?

I’ve...had this friend? I’m so embarrassed now that we were ever “friends.”

Meh. Jackie O always seemed like a bit of a cunt.

What is the point of this book, though?

You’d think someone would have told the daughter of Richard L. Simon of Simon & Schuster fame about the perils of the publishing industry.

Before the internet, we just chain-smoked for the duration.

LOL children, you missed flying before internet.

So Shelby said this dumb shit:

You are a genius. This is delicious, as always.