
I look enough like Adam Clayton from U2 that (more than once!) strangers have run up to me screaming and trying to hug and grab.  It’s never not terrifying.  The doppleganger thing is real. 

My sister did that with her first ever boyfriend and I have never let her live it down.

could be worse. I was in my parents’ house, complaining to a close friend about my (then) recent ex-fiancee. Eventually, got to “what did I even see in her,” and I swear to you at that moment I turned at saw my parents’ framed wedding photo, showing what may as well have been my dad and my ex. It was a

Last year someone here (PolicyChick) called these types of couples “Doppelbangers” and I have used that term ever since.

See: Pence and Mother

My greyhounds have always preferred to sleep with their feet facing me rather than snuggled against me. They would also periodically deliberately push me with those legs at times, the brats.

That copyright lawsuit article is interesting. Several stars are being, or have been, sued for using paparazzi photos on their own instagram. Paparazzi haven’t been making any money since stars can just post pictures of themselves, and everyone can just access them for free rather than buy a magazine. I would be

Bobby Flay is looking for love. [People]

Yeah, but if you have one dog in your bed, may as well have 7 because what you describe happens to me whether I’m trying to share a queen bed with one greyhound or one chihuahua.  Needless to say that they all now sleep in their own dog beds and I sleep alone.  I love my dogs more than anything except sleep:

If you have 7 dogs in your bed, only the dogs will be getting a good rest. Any humans will be crunched up in a tiny corner barely able to shift position.

I know. She is apparently absolutely lovely though - very kind, patient, supports co-stars (particularly younger, newer actors/actresses), is good with production crew and works hard/is not a diva. So, I mean, that’s good, and really who cares what she does to her face/body - especially in the context of how Hollywood

It’s not “curious” that Warren won’t say middle class taxes will be raised, because middle class expenses will go down significantly (no out-of-pocket medical expenses). Yet the minute she says taxes will be raised, even within the context of the point, the GOP will pounce on the line and use it in every attack ad

“I am not as comfortable with this one as the last one.”

Ha! I was thinking like Omar from The Wire getting randomly taken down by a kid in a bodega. The problem with my analogy is that Omar was cool. Trump on the other hand...

Joaquin Phoenix hit a firetruck with his Tesla. [TMZ]


Nothing says bitter like vengeful paparazzi photos. I don’t really blame Liam, but they should both just knock that shit off. It’s emotionally stunted.

Thank you for this, Stassa. I made a similar comment under a story a few days ago, and I watched the 60 minutes segment last night. I had a similar reaction. I was uncomfortable with the framing of both the Texas Ranger and of Little. When he spoke in the interviews, it’s clear he’s not a genius, nor did he come

Yes. Create a board called “Im breaking up with you” and you just pin links to things like “best solo adventures”

Can I break up with someone via Pintrest?