
I don’t have anything meaningful to add, except that I fucking love Rebecca Traister, and everyone should read Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger.

When I say be kind to one another, I don’t mean only the people that think the same way that you do (emphasis mine)

Guy ignored Condeleezza Rice handing him a report that stated Osama bin Laden was determined to strike in the US, specifically with planes, which was ultimately the trigger for not only things like the Patriot Act, but also the economic downturn that followed 9/11 as well as the housing collapse and current economic

I guess being able to be friends with a man who is responsible for the death of 180,000 Iraqi civilans in an illegal war based on falsified data, and would be convicted by the standards of the Nuremberg trials, is a privilege I would forgo. 

Who in the hell starred this...

I’ve gone to a man’s room late at night and he managed not to ass rape me.

Rebecca Traister had an impactful reaction to all of this - that many of these men may be losing their jobs, their families, their esteem - but we’re all still left in the world they created. I think about that all the time with who the gatekeepers are, who controls the news, who controls which stories are told.

I don’t need to know who each one of them are to criticize them. I also don’t need to know every incel to know that incels bad. Nor do I need to know every single thief in the world to know that people who steal generally aren’t trustworthy. Those are generalizations, not “invisible others”.

He had all the time to criticize those things, yet not one peep about Jerry Sandusky and his alma mater(Penn State) handling of that situation?

Did anyone notice the trend of titling books with the “[Masculine profession]‘s [feminine relation].” Examples: The Hangman’s Daughter, THe Apothecary’s DAughter, The Merchant’s Daughter, The Doctor’s Wife, The Goldsmith’s Wife, etc

jesus fucking christ.

Should also have been “until” or “’til”

The backhand comments give it away. I was not explicitly fired for being pregnant; however, I was beginning to show around the time of annual bonus. I was explicitly told for months I would get a bonus and it was always understood to be a large part of compensation (law firm). The owner of the firm kept putting off my

That’s part of Abloh’s shtick in Off-White - he slaps phrases on stuff in quotes, like boots that have “for walking” on them and Air Jordans that have “air” on them

I ran a marathon last weekend (completed it without injury but my pace was sloooow and not even close to a Boston qualifying time); one of the homemade signs along the way was a picture of Aunt Becky and text that read "I CAN GET YOU INTO BOSTON". Lolz

You mean like this homeless black woman who got sentenced to jail for using her children’s father’s address to register her kids in school?

Ughhhh - so many of my male friends prefer this haircut. They look like Gestapo.

But those names, tho. “big dick swinger,” “dirty mike”...really, dudes? Really? Were you raised by wolves, or something, to think you could get away with this in a confined metal tube hurtling through the air for hours?

That photo would have been lovely if he hadn't ruined it with that haircut

What constructive purpose does he provide, here?