
He gave up $250 million bc he trusted uncle Logan over his grandpa. I love my dumb son but man is he DUMB.

Does it just feed into the whole “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” ethos of non rich Americans or what?

Eric is definitely the one they leave behind to be eaten by zombies if their get-away vehicle was short a seat...actually, he’d still be left behind even if a seat was available...

Does this make Jared Tom Wambsgans?


I see it.

Fuck off and die.

I don’t understand how this dude got out of the greys

Fuck off.

“If she can’t wear that belt buckle, then why is it appropriate to make an assignment out of it?”

Oh come on. At this point, displaying the confederate flag and then crying over people’s negative reactions is the equivalent of a German girl wearing a swastika belt buckle and being all: “I don’t understand the outrage! It’s an ancient Asian religious symbol I’m wearing! I don’t mean that! Gee, people really like

I felt a special kind of dirty voting for HRC. I’d do it again in a heartbeat considering what the alternative was. She’s a pristine example of progressive humanity compared to DJT.   And that says more about DJT than it does about her. 

This level-headed kind of response to allegations of something like misconduct is just one of the many, many reasons we finally need a woman in the Oval - a woman like Warren, that is.

The Hemworthi?

I do that every time! Thank you. From now on any and all Hemsworths shall be known as Chlis.

Liam Hemsworth, not Chris.

It’s possible you’re missing the point of the pissing contest.

The residential elevator is my preferred performance spot.

There is a person in my building with whom I was once very close, but turns out that they, probably mostly out of boredom and general not having a life, not really malice, decided to become a behind-my-back shit-stirrer.

I’m both impressed and slightly disappointed that you didn’t drag it out further. If this were a Rom-Com, I’d watch it.