
Included? This is the Hollywood scene. I live here and have been in situations very close to the ones described above with a lower profile actor that was married. Starting your own “acting studio” is akin to opening your own brothel where the sex comes to you and you can tell your wife its just part of the job and

This right here is a powerful piece of writing and goddamn, so many men suck so hard. My hackles and my shoulders went up reading this. I hate the pressure to stay polite both for social pressure-y reasons and safety alike. I’m sorry you had to endure this recent bullshit and five decades of this kind of bullshit.

I did once have a guy pull out my headphone to talk to me, chastising me for ‘ignoring him’; it was beyond shocking, and me realise that I’d somehow become used to guys interrupting me ‘normally’. Most recently, I was explaining to my partner why the wine was labelled vegan, and a guy leaned over to REPEAT EXACTLY

It sounds like the judge should try being a woman for a week. He might figure it out. I’m 58 years old. For the most part I look 58 years old. I’m physically disabled. Yesterday I was at Costco and got a hotdog when I was done shopping. I sat at the first table to eat, and parked my cart at the end of the table. A guy

Shocking! The celebrity version of That Artsy Guy in Every Dorm with an Acoustic Guitar Who Wrote a Song About You (aka, That Guy in the Women’s Studies Class Who’s Just Really Amazed by How Powerful Women Are) turned out to be a creeper. Never would’ve seen that coming.

I know Jodi Kantor slightly. Not enough to have contact info but if I reached her at the Times newsroom she’d probably remember me if I mentioned through whom we’ve met two or three, maybe four times. She’s (googles) 44 so she’s not some ingenue who needs tips from a fellow journalist conversant in 1970s-era

Woodward, of course, was not the only journalist of his era who brushed those allegations aside. Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter, in his memoir Reporter, had this to say on why he chose not to report on the abuse allegations: “All I could say is that at the time I did not—in my

So is “I just have a high metabolism” not an excuse anymore like it was in the aughts? We’re going for “I never workout but I’m active” now?

I 100% buy this. I lived with my ex-husband for a year before we got married (after being friends first), and it felt much different. My current partner and I have been together for 4 years and started out as a one-night stand. We continue to make our own rules and our friends are baffled and amused by our

I seriously doubt Meghan Markle’s father just gave the letter to a tabloid. Sold Is the proper word. 

You mean to tell me white privilege exists even though they tell us they are the victims of affirmative action ? lol

A white woman walked into a Black man’s apartment while he was sitting on the couch eating ice cream watching TV in his underwear and shot him, and I am relieved that she was actually found guilty.

I’m really reconsidering the unpleasant thoughts I sent the Judge yesterday when she included in the jury instructions basically the Stand Your Ground Law.

My boobs hurt just looking at the pictures.

I wonder what this makes me, since I have an Instagram account dedicated to literally just sunsets. So I see them every night, yet my face is glued to my phone while doing it.

Don’t give in to boomer and Gen X pressure...

Is the Anna Farris story supposed to be endearing? Because it’s definitely not.

You’re right but this was probably just one ingredient of the racist jambalaya that the republicans have been cooking up for decades. I mean yes gerrymandering is definitely a benefit for them, but those circuit court judges are also likely to rule in their favor on a number of other issues like abortion, police

This, too, why Moscow Mitch was so intent on putting those Federalist unqualified judges on the benches across this country. They are positioned to squash any attempts to make this right before it even reaches the corrupted Supreme Court.  

Where in my comment did I address racism in Japan? What does racism in Japan have to do with the USTA missing out on one of the hottest talents in tennis because of their own stupidity in not sponsoring her when they had the chance?