
I live around the corner from a gym, with the rowing machines, treadmills, bikes, elliptical and climbing machines facing the glass window to the sidewalk and street. I often feel smug walking or biking past. One day I noticed someone had chalked a message on the pavement in front of the window facing the gym people:

I don’t know about you but whenever my manager complains because I’m late for work, I tell them that Moses wandered the dessert for 40 years before he got to where he was supposed to be. That’s the way this works, right?

I tell people this all the time, but the reason all cops are bad is because good cops cover for bad ones.

When he said, “This is a bullet wound” I should have stopped watching. But then he took it to the next level and tried to compare his experience of being on a fictional TV show to the LIVED experiences of people in the LGBTQ+ community was more than enough for me. 

The ice cream is what got me. He’s just a man trying to relax in his home. I can’t imagine.

For some reason seeing the ironing board set up in the middle of his living room broke me. He was just going on with his life in the safety of his own home with no idea that it would be his last day on earth.

This guy should have had all his strings tied and contingency stories covered before going into an interview with all this shit swirling in his background. If he denies the allegations, he should have just calmly said that and asked to move on to a new topic. But he couldn’t. The last question contained no

Somewhere in the Grand Canyon—another natural feature created by the changing tectonic plates beneath North America

The Tweet’s still deleted, but he’s now defending it with a vengeance. 

Ah yes, joking that a child you disagree with should be raped. So funny and subversive.

The fact that he thought that might be funny says a lot of disturbing shit about him.

Only way that nonsense could be whiter is if she was a little younger and male, so the judge could side with her and state that she has a promising future ahead of her

Now that I’m reading Wikipedia about the incident at the 68 Olympics...

Cool. Now give them the millions in endorsements they lost as well.

To be technical, Bologna’s character was having an affair with Caine’s wife, played by Valerie Harper. This fact keeps Bologna’s character from getting too upset about Caine’s character’s affair with his 17-year-old daughter, played by Michelle Johnson. I don’t quite get how that is supposed to be a mitigating factor.

I am so confused...I need a whiteboard and an assortment of colored dry makers to figure this out.

This has bugged me from the day it was first reported. At very least this idiot is guilty of negligent homicide. She didn’t do anything a reasonable person (much less a “trained” police officer) should do in such a situation.

You wouldn’t think but I listened to a story about how a SF meetup for food at a pop up had a long line and two fat cops never asked questions of why or what people lining up where doing and just grabbed their shotguns and walked next to the people in the line going towards the front while cocking their shotgun and a

asked the jury to side with Guyger’s claim of self-defense, saying prosecutors are “holding Amber Guyger to an impossible standard” and “making innocent mistakes into evil acts.”

In terms of black activism and the black struggle, this is par for the course. We’ve seen such squabbles & internecine nonsense before, and if Shaun King is a true student of our history he’d know that the more high profile & successful he becomes, the more slings & arrows will head his way. Without comparing them,