
Thanks. Unfortunately, a lot of people (on the internet) seem to do that. 

Thanks for clarifying. I disagree though that a vote for the NDP or Green Party is a vote for the Conservatives. I don't like it when people lay guilt trips on third-party voters. Blame yourselves for not attracting those voters. 

I agree with you and I will vote for him, but for Christ’s sake.  This is terrible and if it were Scheer or Bernier who had this come out we’d be LIVID.  I don’t want to vote for the guy, but damn it I don’t have a freaking choice and it makes me really, really angry. 

While Scheer is absolutely the devil, Trudeau needs to do better than this and really own up to his mistakes, especially considering his wokewashing.

Don’t worry, they are launching a Community Safety Education, which will be an “initiative to ensure everyone who uses Lyft always remembers what behavior is acceptable in a ride.” This is per an Instragram ad I saw in my stories. I’m glad I’ll be able to learn that rape is not acceptable behavior during a ride.

If I have my numbers right, the money he “saved” by eliminating health benefits for 9000 people is equivalent to the money he makes in 6 hours.

Having him on is a double slap in the face to someone like Soledad, who used to be a contributor there. Of course, that is the same network whose CEO was a co-producer on the first Apprentice as well as this #ApprenticeWhiteHouse... and that’s the same network where Mark Anthony Neal was dismissed for hinting that

Larry the Cable Guy’s father was the principal at The King’s Academy, a private Christian prep-school in the land of polo ponies and Porsches where his son got his first diploma.

Yup. You’re exactly right.

“Any cable news program exists solely to make money”

Conservatives aren’t funny. The comedians conservatives think are funny are...Larry the Cable Guy. Tim Allen. Sentient re-hashes of the same old unfunny shit from the last 50 years, sometimes packaged in a new way but always entirely predictable. 

One other thing - that “liberal media” canard is a piece of propaganda one ROGER AILES pushed on the networks (as is Republicans’ wont) and they apparently swallowed whole.

And CNN put Corey Lewandowski on New Day this morning at 8am after he admitted lying regularly to the press under questtioning by Berke yesterday. Under oath.

This was circa 2007 or 8, pre #metoo. It honestly took me years to fully process what was wrong with that whole scenario. For a while I thought I was supposed to be flattered. I mean the whole convention I had to deal with hugs and gropes from women and girls. I chalked it to that’s what I should expect because I did

I had the uncomfortable experience of having a woman masturbate in front of me before. It was at the height of David Tennant’s tenure as the titular Doctor on Doctor Who. I just happened to bear a more than passing resemblance to the man and I cosplayed at a convention. I got plenty of hugs and pictures taken but when

But Biden’s whitesplained reason for working at a segregated swimming pool to learn about black people might be the most disconcerting part of this story.

I would love to see Tom get asked, “What’s it like to be a short old guy in a tall young guy’s world?”

Can civil asset forfeiture be used on white people? Inquiring minds want to know!

So far, we’ve heard: