Anyone else noticing the trend that the women who are coming out to cry about how wrong #MeToo and other campaigns are all tend to be of a certain older age and higher social class?
Anyone else noticing the trend that the women who are coming out to cry about how wrong #MeToo and other campaigns are all tend to be of a certain older age and higher social class?
Trump also thinks his name adds $5Bn to his personal wealth…
Yes, it’s the woman’s fault for all of this. You’re totally right.
LOL I’m awesome like that I guess!
you typed out an entirely too long comment just to say that Thompson should carry the burden. nah, that’s a nope from me dog.
Sorry, woulda been on it faster but I was finishing a thing
What “nuance” could possibly justify the actions of an ethnostate maintained by European and American money and military power that abuses its native population, denies them free movement, occupies and steals their land and bulldozes their homes, restricts their access to clean water, bombs their hospitals, and kills…
I also just adore how she thinks Palestinians are subhuman.
“Would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this as it gravely discredits your efforts to include Lena without holding her accountable,”
Cheering on brutal settler colonialism does tend to require a certain steeliness, true
To the dipshit in the grays who I won’t quote (because they’re a fucking dipshit): ever been to an Irish funeral? Or wedding? Or any goddamned function you can think of?
Yikes. She’s an influencer now, I guess. With all the stories coming out with #metoo makes me wonder if she wasn’t so much difficult as she was noncompliant.
I’m one of those people who every now and then forgets how to interact, and when I want to jump in on a discussion I’ll have a weird thought process. Like if 2 people are talking about movies, I’ll be all [hmm, movies ==> movie stars ==> stars ==> stellar lifecycles] “HEY GUYS DID YOU KNOW THAT IN A FEW BILLIONS YEARS…
I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.
At this point Morgan Freeman’s portrait has a portrait.
Lol, I see. I thought you were teaching me a new term to describe those patchy, old-ass bathrobes people wear.
Oh now, that’s just mean to whoever that guy is
Those posters made me seethe. She might have known. I personally think it’s feasible she didn’t (too high up the food chain) but she wasn’t the abuser and it makes my blood boil when people will find a reason, any reason, to somehow blame women for men’s crimes.
I have fully embraced bitchiness. It’s my baseline naturally, but recently I realized that I’ve been overcorrecting for some time. I kept getting engaged with and, like, caught up in fucking weird ass conversations with weird ass people... which honestly I’m not used to because I can apparently be intimidating? Thus…
.........I get the allergy disappearing............I had miserable eye-swelling, snot running hay fever most of childhood and all of teen years......til I went off to college, where it magically disappeared........