
He's not bragging so stuff it. Do you have any idea how many times you have to repeat things for a kid? No it doesn't work if you only do it once. You are daft.

So right on! The worst part about getting a spanking wasn't the pain, because that was minimal. The worst part was seeing how disappointed my parents were in me and my behavior. My dad would pull off his big sandal and give us a swat or two if we misbehaved. At the dinner table (where Dad got the big piece of

Ummm...hello? You forgot the worst thing of the week over all. The Bears losing to the Bills IN OVERTIME. Even if they win the Superbowl, the season is lost.

OMG! That would be comedy gold!

Really? Was Regan older than Biden when he became president?


Sure they do! Just ask Thiago Silva.

Oh Jesus Christ, find an audience for your soapbox. I never said she deserved any of that. Thank you for the sentiment, but you don't have concern for my personal life.

I don't think she was killed by him. She was having an affair with his coach.

Belichick gave away money why? You think the NFL doesn't like Tebow that much?

Hey! I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, chu got some 'splainin' to do mang! What chu talkin' bout esse?

But he did make that catch. That catch actually becomes more insignificant when the Giants beat them the second time, yes? It wasn't a fluke. Especially because the Giants started that 1st SB winning season 0-2.

I just don't want to bleed orange again. I can't take it.

I used to be a Manning hater too. Hated Eli, but then he schooled the Pats twice in the SB so what's not to like? Manning is unbelievably smart. That's what won me over.

Belicheck is a master at dealing with the press. You better believe he would put the kibosh on any flagrant fouls in the arena of the media. As far as I'm concerned, Tebow gave us Bronco fans the last great highlight. When he threw that pass to Thomas in that playoff game against Pittsburgh, the world stood still.

Tony Dungy isn't coaching so whatever commentary he has is not that relevant to gay players. Whatever population of fans also watches Oprah is nothing I'm aware of. ESPN might be doing some politically correct thing, that being, they don't want to be accused of being homophobic, so they gave him a lot of press.

There are players right now in the league who are gay. For whatever reason they keep it to themselves. Truth be told, there is no requirement if one is gay to be an activist or a spokesman for gay people. Not everyone wants to do that. Movie stars are not required to be role models just because they are famous. It

No one who follows the NFL is that interested in who is or isn't gay. The NFL isn't backwards, they just aren't interested. I don't care if there's an openly gay player in the NBA, who gives a fuck anyway?

What the hell was that all about? Football isn't that existential. They just want to get to the Superb0wl, that's it. They would take a story if they thought it would get them there.

Dude, make him whatever you want. But that person isn't a moron at all. Get over yourself.