
I will never get tired of talking about my brother in law who is an A-10 pilot in the Air Force. He just made Colonel! I know your son will make the rest of the A-10 community proud. God bless you and your son and the contribution and sacrifice you both have made. Thank you.

Jesus Christ. There are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that taste just as good as the real thing.

That's the guy! I remember seeing that footage and it was so hard to watch. So I guess I was way off. DC not NY.

Is the bridge at the end of this article the same bridge that that plane crashed into in the 80's? Remember, there was video of that lady in the icy water and some guy jumped in the water and pulled her out? There was a helicopter trying to pull her out, but she couldn't hold on to that life ring they dropped in the

I believe the starter of this thread cited a myriad of current NFL issues. My reaction was no more or less sarcastic then him/her lamenting an injury within that myriad. Buh bye.

Yea bro! That's totally what I meant! Are you serious? I was being sarcastic genius. Fuck, get over yourself.

No. That's not true at all. Plenty of women get abused and never say anything. I guarantee this is not the first time Ray Rice has hit that lady. I still can't believe she married him. That says, to him, that it was ok. He most likely will hit her again.

So, his attorney doesn't deny he hit the second kid. Petersons' lawyer said Adrian didn't do anything inappropriate. So what does that mean?

Oh good! I wasn't trying to be cool! Thanks!

What are you talking about? Whatever responsibility the police have, they also have a responsibility to be smart. That cop is in hiding even now, people want to kill him. Is that a lack of common sense on my part, to already know how people are going to react to his identity being known? I wonder if not releasing

My sister and I were in high school when we lived overseas. Driving on base had really strict seat belt rules. So if we didn't have enough seat belts, someone had to ride in the trunk sometimes. Now my mom always kept the biggest boz of Kotex Maxi Pads in the trunk. You know the overnight ones, the ones the

Past his ass? Ok tough guy.

Oh yea. We had a '71 VW camper van. No seatbelts, that rear facing seat behind the passenger seat, that sliding door that I fell out of on the highway. Good times, good times. My moms' best friend had the station wagon with the 2 seats in the way back that faced the back. That way, you could see who was going to

Faaaaaaaaack! That is hardcore. Those poor kids! RIP.

The comments on a linked article said she has 11 court appearances.

I love that she only says she could have used different words. The tailgating, honking, yelling, screaming, name calling, that's all fine. It's the WORDS she regrets. What a fucking loser. I hope her commander hears about this and she gets disciplined. She is a captain in the military. If this isn't conduct

He's not advocating beating your kids so get off that. He doesn't even have kids yet.

Well now you know YOU'RE annoying. YOU'RE welcome.

It's you're not your about 3X's in YOUR post. So fucking annoying.

Jesus Christ, why don't you stop telling people how to act! You're pissed at a guy with a possible discipline style who doesn't even have kids! He's invested in the conversation because that's what the conversation is about. Fuck! What works for you doesn't work for everyone. Who died and made you boss?