
Soccer can be whatever it wants. Nobody made a big deal about their first openly gay player because nobody cares about soccer.

Well I guess he should have played better.

I think most of your examples were already on the team. And I can just see you standing there with your wiry glasses lecturing to the 3 people who showed up for class about how you're an expert on "thinly veiled homophobia". Give me a break.

I love it when an author tells a class how they are. My favorite part is this one:

Seriously? I don't know what your problem is, but you are one miserable person. If you had money, you'd still be miserable. Speech? No that nugget was just for you. It only applies to you, not people who are genuinely down on their luck. Eff off, loser.

I've struggled financially most of my life you fucking clown, and I didn't grow up rich either. That's why you're miserable. Your happiness is tied to money. But most likely you're misery is tied to your lousy outlook on life, money is just your scapegoat.

There was no peaceful assembly. But you can hit yourself with a frying pan anyway.

Yea, I'm sure he doesn't care. You've figured it out!

Why should they? So anonymous can dox them and you can go after them too?

I know! Do people just pay attention to what they want?

I agree. There is still not a complete picture of what happened. I watched the feed last night. The protesters had bandannas across their faces, cussing out the cops with a bullhorn and chanting, "This is a war cry". The police gave them plenty of warnings to disperse and they refused. You can't let those things

That's not true. You can be a poor person and still be happy. Happiness is a choice. Miserable people are that way because they choose to be miserable. If they give their money away they would still be that way. Besides, it's not like throwing money at the poor is going to fix poverty. Charities are a joke when

Because money doesn't buy happiness. But money buys freedom, freedom to and freedom from. What good is money if you feel like shit? Or you are a shit? What are you going to do? Go buy some big house on the hill and live in it all by yourself? It doesn't mean a fucking thing unless you have people in your life to

The police aren't the same in every town. I hate to say it but we still don't have the full story of what happened. Yes we have witnesses, but a full investigation has not taken place. I don't know what happened.

Jesus Christ, you're an idiot.

Why? So dicks like you can dox and murder him? Is that what you want? That's the last thing that needs to happen. You want more death? Sure you do, let the lynch mob run free.

So you're pissed cops shot a black kid in MO. Dorner killed 4 people including an innocent couple and 2 cops, but he's your new hero? Way to go, this is clearly the type of change this protest was hoping to facilitate.

The 'Merica people you are looking for are guarding their houses and businesses. They aren't interested in fighting with the police.

because they are dealing with riots and looters. It's the cops fault the people are looting?

It was situational. I think he was arrested in his car. If you think they would not have shot him if he had a gun in his hand you are wrong.