
Well your delivery sucks because it didn't sound like a joke at all, loser.

I would never claim to speak for everyone like you do. I sure as fuck wouldn't speak for you.

No they didn't. You don't speak for everyone so step off.

She's not trolling at all and you are ridiculous for thinking she is. Is that your only defense? Guess what? YOU'RE full of shit. Get on with yourself instead of expecting everyone to feel sorry for you. Boo fucking hoo. Slavery sucked, so did the Holocaust, ditto for fucktards like Stalin who starved 20

Do you know what a troll is? It's not a catch all for people who don't agree with you. A troll is someone who incites simply for the fuck of it. That's not me. You wrote something and I didn't like it. It's not the end of the world. It was the first example you gave, ok? So let's move on, if small children

I know you have a treasure trove of pics and gifs you save up for such responses and that's great! You led your comment with bad cops, I just pointed it out.

You can't let the courts run wild and negate what the people are asked to decide. Not only that, it's left to their interpretation. One court could overturn something and another could uphold the same decision. We pay their salaries and they are accountable not only to the law, but to the people they serve as

Who cares? You pulled it out and applied it to this story. I bet it happens way more than 2 a week anyway. You chose to slam cops in a story where the cop was the only one in 6 months paying attention.

Dunno why you mention a police officer as a rapist in some other scenario, a cop in this case actually helped the victim because he was paying attention. Being afraid or men and hating men are two different things.

So they wouldn't be recognized. He used his own drill to file down their teeth. One of the girls was a relative!

Yea, well the courts deciding what happens after the populace has voted isn't right either. No matter what the issue is, the people vote for a reason and to have the courts come in and negate the outcome of a vote makes the populace think that voting is useless. Therefore, less people vote, that's not good.

As a Lithuanian, thank you for this response. Yes, these thoughts are rooted in the religious background as most of them are Catholic. Charles Bronson is Lithuanian too. I wonder what he would think?

Nope. The best time to buy an airline ticket is 3 days before you want to leave. I tried Name Your Own Price on Priceline (no I do not work for them) from LA to OK for my cousins wedding. All taxes and fees $230 RT. They say your flights have to be between 6am and 10pm, and a maximum of 2 stops. The flight I got

If he dates an Asian chick and works in a DNA lab maybe he harbors the delusion that he is the next Maury Povich!

Oh stop being so humble. I'm breaking my arm patting you on the back!

Hey I already said you were right. Jeeze! It really was sooooo obvious! I mean making the same sarcastic comment over and over and ME NOT BEING the only dumb ass NOT to get it is a real tragedy. I just don't know how I will go on. Thank God for this very thread so I could have this realization. You're a real

God you're right! How obtuse of me not to recognize the humor, even after more than one try, of a poorly told joke. My bad.

God you're right! How obtuse of me not to recognize the humor, even after more than one try, of a poorly told joke. My bad.

Damon is trolling, he thinks he's so cool. Way to go dude.

Whatever you say, which just happens to be the same thing over and over. There are plenty of innocent victims of crimes that would tend to disagree with you.