
If someone hacks into your computer, that's not "letting" anyone do anything. That's a God damned crime.

It doesn't matter if you don't think it's a big deal. That teacher was fired over her picture. You can fight against it all you want. But it still doesn't look good and it's going to be difficult to get parents to see your side of the story, even if your computer was hacked.

What kind of place is this? Some dreary Village of the Damned?

He looks like an idiot? Gotcha.

So why bring it up now? You have a platform now that his kid is dead and you can tell the world what you think of him? Well good for you! Cause that's what's really important. Because whether you like it or not, he can think and say whatever he wants just like you and I. If you don't agree with it, fine.

Yes, he only found out about a week before the kid died that the kid was his and the mom lives in another state with the now deceased child. What's your point? Because AP said something about gays he deserves to have his kid killed? Whatever karmic connection you are trying to make is beyond ridiculous.

He only found out recently that he was the father.

AP had a casual relationship with the woman before she moved away. He only found out a couple of months ago that he was the father. The killer, the mom and the kid had all moved into the same place. But the killer had only been in the mom and kids' life for a short time. The killer has a kid of his own, so I guess

I've had a lot of different jobs, but last year I had a job for 5 months and I rode my bike to work every day. It was so awesome! My brother has a bike shop in Portland and he built a bike for me. Because I rode my bike to work for those months, I totally ride my bike all the time now. I wish people would ride

AP just found out recently he was the kid's dad. The dumb killer has a long rap sheet and had not been involved with the mom for very long. The mom is an idiot for not doing a background check especially because they had all just moved in together. As early as 2012, this POS beat up a 3 yr old. and the kids mom.

Thank you for doing what you do. My brother was a social worker for a while and he just couldn't take it anymore. It's a heartbreaking job, but these God awful things happen all day long. So sad, poor little guy.

I picture you looking like a pirate with your beard.

Yes, but there is no bike lane in a lot of places. Plenty of people see me signaling, my arm is out and I am usually looking back to make sure they see me or at least make eye contact. But when I see a blank stare or they are glancing at their phone, I won't go.

So the buses were hitting the bikes in the bike lane? Sounds like the bike lanes were not working at all.

Cyclists don't need different signals because we use the same signals as cars. I think that would be confusing to have 2 sets of signals, I don't see how they would give different commands than the ones for cars anyway.

I concur. However, I will not apologize for adding 60 seconds to someone's commute. I drive a car too and my number one rule is I never drive when I am in a hurry. If you didn't plan your trip well enough that 60 seconds is going to screw you up, that's. on you. No one ever said to their boss, "God damnet, there

Do you know why cyclists have to cross on their bikes in the crosswalk? Because if I have to make a left turn and there are as little as 2 lanes of traffic while I am clinging to the curb on the right, it is impossible for me to get over to the left turning lane. So, only if I have to I will use the crosswalk to get

It's still illegal and most of these cunt faced bikers didn't have tags or licenses. ATV's are not street legal. Who gives a fuck how many of them were participating? The RR driver was brake checked after he got cut off, he was not following too close. They targeted him and was stopped by them. Just because a

They brake checked him, they wanted him to stop! Do you see that? They weren't just going around him, they targeted him. And why the fuck should he bow down to a bunch of idiots breaking the law? Forget it! He won't be charged because he did nothing wrong. Damn right he got the hell out of there, dumb bikers

NO! It is not normal practice to "shut down" the road for a bunch of cunt faced bikers on the freeway! It's illegal, and dangerous and the dumb shit who got paralyzed doesn't even have a license. They originally thought he was his brother because the bike he was using is registered to his brother. The biker didn't