
That's bullshit. They brake checked him so he would stop. I hope you are good looking for your sake because you most certainly are not smart.

So you are spreading your crap after you got run out of a different thread. Go away, nobody agrees with you.

I'm sorry but no. Why should Lein have to move out of their way at all? They are illegally taking over the road. He can be in any lane he wants and if the fuck tard bikers brake check him, then I guess they are going to get hit. Don't you get it? This was not a case of them wanting him to move off the freeway so

I agree. However, with technology what it is, why can't you run everything you want and have a battery that can handle it? Is it just designed obsolesce? Sure you can get an extra battery, but why should that be a requirement every time one gets a new smart phone? It shouldn't be get the next great phone, AND a

It's a scam for insurance fraud. That's why so many Russian drivers have a dash cam.

That was, without a doubt, the best and truest assessment of this situation. Excellent writing, you are officially a bad ass in my book.

When is tailgating ok? Is that some retaliation tactic? I just take my foot off the gas and go even slower.

Yup. And that is fine with me. I don't think they posted and took pictures because they are stupid. I think it shows how entitled they really are. I'm sure some prospective employer will enjoy seeing those. 'Even if no one is there to see it, it's still crap behavior from a bunch of jerks.

Thank you.

Right and wrong are not adjustable. You are giving too much sympathy to kids who went above and beyond what is normal. It's mob behavior that contributes to this. Bottled up? Play a sport for fuck's sake! You have to witness a bunch of people trashing a house to figure out it's wrong? What kind of philosophy is

You're joking, right? That has to be the stupidest thing I have read in a long time. Yea, it's not their fault, look how repressed they are! Complete bullshit. Unless you're being sarcastic, in that case, still not that great. What does age have to do with it? Fucking wrong at any age to act that way.

I'm sure you would never trash a strangers house, yes? I mean, you're not saying it's ok to do this, just don't have any evidence, right? Because if they did nothing wrong who cares if they take pictures. The rule should be don't be a fucktard and trash someone's house, instead of make sure there is no evidence of

You are right. It is a societal norm still today for women to know how and to do the cleaning. I don't know where story645 grew up. She may be the exception. Most men, married with working wives, expect their wives to still do all the cleaning and make dinner. Like my sister said, "Even if you work, you are like Cannon Ball Run? Me too! you like pizza? Me too! I'm just messing with you. It's ballsy to drive like that, and it does seem cool. But it's dangerous and hopefully he learned his lesson.

One of the charges was reckless endangerment and that is a criminal offense. In NY second degree reckless endangerment is a misdemeanor and first degree reckless endangerment is a class D felony. I don't know which one he is charged with, but it's not a civil infraction. It can apply even if no one was injured or

Are you saying they didn't?

"because he didn't do anything technically criminal."

That was a lovely diatribe, but you never answered my question. Why do you put the public, who has no choice, in the path of your "adventure"? You even said you aren't the best driver. The average driver isn't in on your thrill seeking, so why do you think you have the right to impose that on them? I guess I'm

1 in 3 will be involved in a drunk driving accident in their lifetime. Every day 300,000 people drive drunk. The average drunk driver who gets caught has driven drunk 80 times. So yea, I guess as long as they don't kill anyone, 1 in 80 are pretty good odds, yes? Yet if you don't get caught, it's still dangerous

Wow! So what laws do you want enforced? Just curious.