
Thank you so much for that response. I'm so tired of people acting like reckless driving is no big deal. Oh it's ok if I drive like an ass, I'm in control, I know what I'm doing. What a bunch of bullshit. Traffic laws exist for a reason. Do you know how unnerving it is to look in your rear view mirror and see a

Well he did admit a lot in his interview with Gawker. That may be enough to prove it was him.

They are there to protect others, they are the line of defense. Self preservation yes, in some situations, but why call the cops if you are being attacked? If it was all about self preservation, why the hell would they show up to get attacked too? So the cop should have stepped out of the way? No responsibility're cute. But hey kids, he was only trying to evade the officer, how silly that cop is behaving! Look, a cop doing his job, that's the same as asking if I want fries with that! Having your foot run over is really painful, but hey, can't that cop take a joke? Nevermind the kid ignored the cop, that cop

He was supposed to step aside for his own well being? So the cop wasn't even finished writing the ticket. and the officer should have moved out of the way to let this guy speed off? Who cares if he is being videotaped? One should always perform their job properly, no matter the circumstances. I don't know where

Yup. As an Air Force brat who has seen tons and tons of airplanes doing their thing, this is the best one.

Because I want to make sure I know where you are coming from. We all have opinions and we are all entitled to them, regardless of our real world experience.

Are you black?

So it's the guests who pay for the reception? This couple will be cunt punted to divorce court with an attitude like that.

+1 Brilliant.

I have two words:

So if that's from the mob, why should she get out of her car? Your comment makes no sense, damn right she should stay in her car.

I know! Florida says thanks!

Bullshit, they attacked right away. She should have mowed them all down and left sooner.

Are you crazy? No delay in exiting the vehicle? If it were me, no way in hell I'm getting out of the car. I'm getting the hell out of there. She should have left sooner. I've seen this happen more than once, people getting the shit beat out of them for this. Fuck that. I'll go call the cops, but I ain't

If you were here, I would hug you, if you wanted I would kiss you and if you were available I would date you. Well said, I agree 100%.

You're not getting it. No one is going to see you screaming up behind them, flashing your hi-beams and immediately WANT to get out of your way. Think about it. You are not a cop, or anyone in a position of authority. When you come up behind someone tailgating, honking and all, it creates a dynamic. That being,

I've read all your responses and I really want to know who died and made you boss? You act like tailgating is for the benefit of drivers who don't know how to drive. You also feel the need to let them know they are screwing up. Just pass them on the right. Not one driver is learning anything from when you act like

I remember reading a story about a high school girl who was drugged and raped by 3 classmates. Another boy classmate came in and was disgusted and told them to stop. The girl considered him her hero. She reported it to police and nothing came of it. The hero boys' father didn't want him talking to police or

Of course! Whatever works for you is what is best. The authors reaction of women staying home and not being feminists is absurd to me. Although the original article she cites is the most God awful drivel. The work she cites is way too long and so patronizing to women in general. They both suck.