
Yes, the gender roles do matter. Whoever is working most likely isn't the one making dinner. Full time motherhood as some bygone grandma type thing is mocked by you. I'm not saying one can't turn out great kids with one parent. I've seen it, we all have. I just don't remember growing up and having my single

Sucks. Jennings should have knocked it down.

BTW: Why the old school Yank label? Calling someone stupid is just as offensive, but the Yank thing? What are you? A carpetbagger? When you say back in the day, I guess that means your great-great-grandmother's day.

You have a dream! What kind of world are we living in where "cracker" and "nigger" are not equally offensive! Well make no mistake, this thick stupid Yank won't get behind that! But you go girl! Because the more we use these words against each other, the longer you can use them as an excuse for lousy behavior.

Oh God. Next thing you are going to be asking for reparations, right? Quit blaming the world for your problems. My people enslaved no one, and no black person has a right to call any white person anything. It's just as damaging and just as hurtful no matter who does it. You don't get a free pass. Why would you

Have you ever had your foot run over? It freaking hurts. You don't know what you would do.

Being face to face with you guys, it was always, "Yes sir", or, "No sir". This kid was raised wrong. If I acted that way toward a police officer, running over his foot, my father would grab a switch off the nearest tree and tan my hide and then he would run over MY foot (not really). You have a tough job, maybe