
I bought Labo for two reasons

Thats a good way to give cats anxiety problems. The reason they get scared of a cucumber is because to them is strongly resembles a snake. That’s why they freak out. So yeah, don’t do that

Fools. Always have a decoy box.

I always thought it would be cool to have something like MW2 Juggernauts roaming the map in PUBG. Big dudes in bomb suits carrying M60s and a bunch of useful loot. Maybe they drop in from planes or maybe they’re already there when you drop in. Given how important sound is in PUBG, having them respond to gunfire would

ARK Survival of the Fittest is the closest to a real Hunger Games game we’ve had. It was glitchy, it was buggy, it was unbalanced, with next to no real support, but damn was it fun.
Running into a T-Rex, shitting your pants and running the other way, coming by a player build hut, where iron was being smelted, grabbing

Yes! NPC Zombies, soldiers, animals, aliens, whatever. That’s one way. Or just a lethal environment. Other creatures wouldn’t feel cheap to me. Tripping a mine and exploding would.

...I can’t believe I want this when I haven’t played any of the Witcher series. Its the bathtub that’s the coolest.

Now playing

With consoles, I blame the lack of effort in improving gamepad controls. Developers could be pushing gamepads towards a mouse level of precision where mouse and keyboard is of limited advantage, but they don’t bother because they figure the average gamer won’t know the difference.

My city (population approx. 150k) still has a super active PoGo community. I saw over 100 people playing in a local park during the last community day and we regularly have to split up raids because there are more than 20 people there. The game lost its fad status a long time ago, but still has a very active user base

Yo me fabriqué una, aunque solo sirve para asustar Barbies zombies XD