Akira certainly did predict the 2020 Tokyo Olympics 19 years ahead. The manga—created by Katsuhiko Otomo (above)—and…
Akira certainly did predict the 2020 Tokyo Olympics 19 years ahead. The manga—created by Katsuhiko Otomo (above)—and…
Everybody’s losing their minds over Nintendo’s new Animal Crossing-styled Switch hardware. The Tom Nook-themed dock!…
That’s fine. VPN everyone!
For those interested, you can have some insight into Miyazaki’s work process, or maybe even catch a glimpse of his personality, thanks to the documentary series the NHK aired recently, 10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki. It’s available till Feb. 24 for the first episode, with various subtitles.
Ah, that is an issue and remains one. Both the ground and sea components of the Self Defense Forces (Japan’s constitutional military, effectively the country’s postwar army and navy) use the rising sun flag, or a close variation (I don’t know if the Self Defense Forces, as a whole, have any flag). This isn’t too…
The great thing is his fans harassed a 15 year old girl for beating him like, 3 days before all of this. People like to shit of the FGC (because black people) while the Smash party game community walk around stanky and being pedophiles. Good shit.
“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”
There is nothing in the goddamned world like the absolute fragility of folks who occupy majority (race/ethnicity/sex/sexual orientation/religious affiliation) status feeling like they might have to share the pie they’ve previously had 99% of.
Think about this for just a moment: Every time someone screams about “SJWs,”…
I think you mean “The PURRest Anime of the Season.”
You’re welcome.
I’ve always had a weird thing for collections of video game hardware. Rare colourways, odd promotional designs,…
I like Evangelion for what it is. The last stand against human extinction, but it’s screwed up. What the eva’s are. The computer system they use. Child soldiers who were screwed up on purpose. Humanity isn’t just on the brink... they have abandoned humanity altogether to stay alive. And they are still losing.
I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion as a suicidal teen (with what was later diagnosed as clinical depression and social anxiety), and it was, and is, probably the singular most important piece of art to me.
Pokémon Gold and Silver once had a bigger map, many more Pokémon, and even a skateboard, according to a new leak of…
The other two must have been under the bridge he was on. And since they weren’t trying to kill each other, and he’s playing solos, they had to have been teaming, right? In which case, he likely won because he didn’t have to share the center of the vanishing circle with another player, and the other players started…
This afternoon’s entertainment is brought to you by UFC champion (who somehow finds time to have an entire…
This week, hackers discovered that the PlayStation 4's “remastered” version of of Parappa The Rapper is actually the…
Previously hinted at, the Neo Geo Mini is now official. It’s the latest retro hardware to get miniaturized.
First time visitors notice them right away: Sickness masks. People in Japan wear them for numerous reasons,…
Lol I didn’t know you’re looking for one. I watched your Twitch stream whenever you’re streaming Monster Hunter World and I could haved definitely host you. I see that you’re still missing some part, so I can definitely help you get the rest if you want