@looney82: Good call. Diabetics should always stick with the diet stuff.
@looney82: Good call. Diabetics should always stick with the diet stuff.
@Sheed's Bald Spot: D'you pull some scratch together yet? Can't imagine going thru Championship Sunday without booze.
@UweBollocks: Are you implying that she's a little Chunky?
WhenI say that I want my shirts starched, I want them stiff. And take it from me, there's no better way to overcome language barriers and communicate "stiff" to a Swedish dryclearer than to whip out your fully erect meat bishop.
@Maloik: Thanks. Glad I red that.
@J-No: Headed to Chicago this summer. Are the roof top seats worth the scratch?
@looney82: That threw me too.
It's been a hectic week. Please help me catch up DUAN:
@Clever Hans: Don't really know. I've only had Campari in a Negroni.
My favorite "won't publicly admit I drink them" drink is the Madras.
@UweBollocks: Seattle C-Hawks
@The_Night_Man_Cometh: You can watch it five times, but you'll never figure out why they never followed up on Rawls in the gay bar.
@shmendo: Cross fit is NOT the way to ease back into training. If you decide to do it anyway, be careful.
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Ten and Appetite for Destruction. I too am old.
Lewis will inevitably get his "Use of a Banned Substance" charge reduced to "Obstruction of Testing for Banned Substances."
Clippers brass wisely made the decision to let Olshey (rather than Sterling) make the announcement to the press. In the dress rehearsal, Sterling insisted on calling Griffin "Toby."
@Emma Carmichael: In hindsight, neither did Jackie.
(redacted for poor effort)
@norbizness: Agreed.
@What would Singletary do?: Agreed, he's significantly better than Cowherd, Francesca, Mike & Mike, the Loose Cannons, Mad Dog, Steve Czaban, Bill Pidto... Jesus, I just realized that I listen to way too much shitty sports talk radio.