Beer league sports just aren't worth the hassle. Whether it be modified fast pitch softball, roller hockey, flag football or box lacrosse, there's always "that" asshole.
Beer league sports just aren't worth the hassle. Whether it be modified fast pitch softball, roller hockey, flag football or box lacrosse, there's always "that" asshole.
@Sakic Friends Network Solutions: That's a great handle.
@gulag: I puked in the 18 hole of Wahconah Country Club on my 21st birthday.
@Same Sad Echo: Who bought Magic Hat?
@Bellwether Johnson: and the wrap up montage introduced me to one of my favorite songs.
@Same Sad Echo: Without getting into the details, a year and a half ago, I thought my daughter was dying in the back seat of my car as I was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.
@CalvinandJahv: This usually makes me want to punch someone...
They might have missed the stick to the netherregions.
@Loose Cannon: +1. Jonas Salk was a self-aggrandizing cocksucker.
@Eddie Murray Sparkles: Bravo.
@IronMikeGallego: I realize that this post is several hours old, but I'll try to catsup.
@Bevraj of Choice: For all obvious reasons, I have no issue with mugshot avatars. Henceforth, I'll look for you as the Chairman of the Board.
@CBronsonSmile: You had mice? That sucks.
@Bevraj of Choice: Agreed. Did you change your avatar again? This kills me. I don't look at handles, only avatars. Hume's the golfer, Kelso's Kelso, Hatey's the bear. I don't know what the fuck Uwe is, but I could pick it out a Rorshach line-up. You... you're all over the place.
@JohnnyDrinky: Glad that I got you hooked. In return you convinced me to get a NetFlix subscription so that I could watch The Shield from beginning to end. I thank you. My wife does not. Watch The Wire at whatever pace you want. I'm telling you, if you love it half as much as I did, it won't be the last time you…
@Fendi Hotdogbun: I just saw Stringer on Aresenal World tonight. I never realized he was British. Mind blown.
@Donte Stallworth Driving School: Jesus Christ, that's a great point.
@tastes_like_burning: Let me just say that my favorite part about your comment (and that's saying something because I think that cinnamon in marinara is fucking vile) is that it prompted 54 replies.
@Walk Off HBP: Does that also mean that your DUAN days are following those days out the door?
@Steve U: So, I log on at 12:30 to "take a break" from the work that will keep me up another 3 hours or so and I see this. Thank you Steve U for reminding me that I'm not the only one with a job that needs to be kicked in the ball bag.