
Beer league sports just aren't worth the hassle. Whether it be modified fast pitch softball, roller hockey, flag football or box lacrosse, there's always "that" asshole.

@gulag: I puked in the 18 hole of Wahconah Country Club on my 21st birthday.

@Same Sad Echo: Without getting into the details, a year and a half ago, I thought my daughter was dying in the back seat of my car as I was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.

They might have missed the stick to the netherregions.

@Loose Cannon: +1. Jonas Salk was a self-aggrandizing cocksucker.

@IronMikeGallego: I realize that this post is several hours old, but I'll try to catsup.

@Bevraj of Choice: For all obvious reasons, I have no issue with mugshot avatars. Henceforth, I'll look for you as the Chairman of the Board.

@Bevraj of Choice: Agreed. Did you change your avatar again? This kills me. I don't look at handles, only avatars. Hume's the golfer, Kelso's Kelso, Hatey's the bear. I don't know what the fuck Uwe is, but I could pick it out a Rorshach line-up. You... you're all over the place.

@JohnnyDrinky: Glad that I got you hooked. In return you convinced me to get a NetFlix subscription so that I could watch The Shield from beginning to end. I thank you. My wife does not. Watch The Wire at whatever pace you want. I'm telling you, if you love it half as much as I did, it won't be the last time you

@Fendi Hotdogbun: I just saw Stringer on Aresenal World tonight. I never realized he was British. Mind blown.

@tastes_like_burning: Let me just say that my favorite part about your comment (and that's saying something because I think that cinnamon in marinara is fucking vile) is that it prompted 54 replies.

@Walk Off HBP: Does that also mean that your DUAN days are following those days out the door?

@Steve U: So, I log on at 12:30 to "take a break" from the work that will keep me up another 3 hours or so and I see this. Thank you Steve U for reminding me that I'm not the only one with a job that needs to be kicked in the ball bag.