@Now imma throw my gyroball: Tell him that it was already wet when you laid down and that you didn't want to embarrass him by asking why he only offered you a wet couch. I mean, the nerve of that guy.
@Now imma throw my gyroball: Tell him that it was already wet when you laid down and that you didn't want to embarrass him by asking why he only offered you a wet couch. I mean, the nerve of that guy.
@Fallopian Tubing: Dude, that's a great post. I shoot around 100 and I'll cosign everything you said (except the swing advice thing). NOBODY has ever asked me for swing advice.
@JohnnyDrinky: 5 seasons. The 5th is great but overall, doesn't measure up to number 4. By the way, that scene you saw of Snoop (Season 4 Episode 1) buying the nail gun is priceless. Especially once you know that Snoop isn't an actress. She was a real crackhead from Baltimore that was an extra. She made a good…
@Always Winning: Holy crap. Lagavulin tastes like chewing tobacco to me. Glenlivet 15 French Oak Reserve. All the time.
@Red Ned: The first five minutes are great because he's such a dick. After that, he sort of gets sucked up in the format of the show.
@Walk Off HBP: Growing up, my friend's dad taught me to play golf like a three dollar whore. It's okay to suck. Just don't suck slow.
@Boothwilkes John: For one more night, let's all pay tribute and punch Carmine (that fucker from Kindagahten) right in the pie hole.
@JohnnyDrinky: I only saw one season of The Shield. I really liked it, but the characters in The Wire are just fucking awesome. As the illustrious Mr. Mapp points out, Messrs. McNulty and Bunk are the shit, but the way they develop the drug dealers is unbelievable. Then in Season 4, McNulty essentially disappears -…
@JohnnyDrinky: Tried it and didn't dig it?
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: As good as the third season is, It pales in comparison to Season 4. If you liked season 1, your best days are ahead of you.
@Insert Clever Name: Makes you wonder whether Edelman's role model is Saban or Petrino, doesn't it?
Pete Carroll Is The Only Playoff Coach With A Quarterback Controversy
@Donte Stallworth Driving School: Boy, that comment came from way off the GRID.
@vodkanaut: Joy Luck Club.
This will undoubtedly lead some to call me misogynistic, but what the fuck, I've got ten minutes before my ride picks me up, I'm drunk and the first ten minutes of SportsCenter were pissed away on highlights of layups, set shots and Condoleeza Rice clapping...
@InSinSeer: 11:05 pm with no work tomorrow... Feeling good, Louis.
@InSinSeer: Ahem...
@Gamboa Constrictor: Sooners were 35?
With a streak like Wittels, you see something you like and it's only natural to say "I'll hit that."