Dwight Dixon thinks that Tony Dungy is a fucking hypocrite.
Dwight Dixon thinks that Tony Dungy is a fucking hypocrite.
@chicken flava: Good God. +1.
@EsotericPopCulturePun: Need I remind you that the Yankees employ one Suzyn Waldman. Kaye's a pleasure compared to her.
@MarkKelsosMigraine: The terrorists have won.
@shmendo: As long as it ain't Tucker Max, I've got your back.
@When_you_get_the_money_you_get...: If you add Beer to that list, you have MUR's 8 Elements of Happiness.
@Phintastic: You don't believe that five different commenters made identical grammatical errors?
@ClintonPortishead: I never knew that "faster than a speeding bullet" was a reference to his refractory period.
Miner? That would be a bit presumptuous. I just met her.
Low of 47?!? I better bring a jacket.
@Hustler of Culture: Not only is it on my iPod, it gets way more play than it should.
@TroisFilles: Technically, it's still the Hutch, but yeah, that's it.
@Saberhagendaaz: If that comment doesn't cure Cockeye, nothing will.
Mississippi Valley State is, how can we put this...not very good. Two years ago they scored the fewest points in an NCAA Tournament Game since 1946...
@Phintastic: Oh, I know that you're not him, but your "star".... Azure and your badge of commenting honor are both enigmas wrapped in riddles - riding through dusty old towns, leaving without a trace. Most times, no one knows they were even there, but for the bar maid who stands at the window with a baby in her…
@UweBollocks: Come to think of it, with all of their respective comings and goings, have you ever seen Azure Texan and Phintastic's star in the same room?
@ScientificMapp: If he'd extracted himself from that box a moment sooner, he wouldn't be in this predicament, now would he?
@Tulos_Mullet: That explains why Kobe so enjoys Colorado in the spring.
"Criminals are identifying with the team's aura of money, power and success."