
Hey Anonymous tipster! Washington is already "floating" potential Bryce Harper debuts for 2011. Of course, that will only become a reality if you "fans" show up more than once a season.

you know how much I love the Cubs and Pearl Jam, but that song is just about the worst abomination ever.

OOOhhhh, can you ask him who his muse was for The Next Time I fall?

@TrojanBrand: And sea water is perfectly pallatable as long as we can enslave enough magic fairies to employ a mystical desalination process.

@MattinglysSideburns: I'd rather see Bruce Murray and his perm-mullet than Ching in South Africa.

In honor of Mario Reyes, Roger Goodell just suspended Lincecum for the 2010 NFL season.

@Phintastic: Holy crap! You lost your star for that? It wasn't your Sistine Chapel but... Just sayin' seems arbitrarily capricious.

@MarkKelsosMigraine: Northrop Frye would likely applaud your centrifugal application of DirkToberFest's centripetal criticism.

Like I've been know to say, cargo shorts always beat cargo pants.

Why is LeBron so anxious to have all of his future playoff performances vacated?

Canadian basketball. It's all aboot confidence and racial stereoytpes, eh.

I watched many a Canadiens games from the catwalk-like press box at the old Forum. Hell of a place to watch a game.

He's just a good ol' boy, never meanin' no harm...

I'll sign-off on Dan Shaughnessy being the voice of the Boston sports fan the moment that Chicago does the same for Mariotti, New York does the same for Lupica and Denver does the same for Woody Fucking Paige.

Hamster-faced Ronaldo should not be confused with his Brazilian predecessor, Gap-toothed Transvestite-fucking Ronaldo.

This was the last picture of the ironically named Brown before he lost his sponsorship deal with Jomama.

@Armen Tamzarian: I was going to steal your joke, but seeing as though I would have made it in the same comment thread, I would surely have been caught Native American handed.

@I slept with your wife: Even reading this 3 hours later, I know the moment you're talking about. Big Baby looked like he had Downs Syndrome.

Midway through the third period, I got this eery, sinking feeling.