
@AzureTexan: Has any show ever mastered the "Funny, okay now that's getting old, now it's funny again" method of comedy as well as FG?

@karelj: As soon as I get current on my life insurance premiums, I'll drive 6 blocks "deeper" and test your theory.

@Kid Canada: Female actuaries don't moisten their pie charts when Staten Island's finest goes Chest to Pitsy?

@Bluenatic: Once you've tried it, you'll NEVER go back. Edge, Gillette, all that shit pales to the KoS.

"If there's a KFC bucket in front of me... I punch someone in the face."

@boomer4d: Let me tell you something, pendejo...

@uninspired: Shit, in between mistresses 3 and 4, I admitted to Larry King that I killed JonBenet Ramsey. He ate his pudding, went to bed and I've heard nothing since.

@Gravy: ..and Mathletics is all about the fractions.

@MarkKelsosMigraine: It's supposed to be, but everytime he goes to use it, he loses his nerve and starts singing How do you solve a problem like Maria.

@Joetimek: So basically, a bad remake of the Sabotage video?

@Joetimek: Best of luck finding an Irishman in Rhode Island. They're all salami and mozzarella.

@Starburied: C'mon, Strawberry would love to file a W2 in 2010.

@rulesboy: Do you honestly equate a traditional college rivalry (Michigan/Ohio State, USC/UCLA, Florida/FSU, Pittsburgh/West Virginia, A&M/Texas, et al.) to a Week 17 Colts/Bills game? I cannot.

@Son-of-MonsterChalk: Actually, I know nothing about the Sun Bowl and hold no ill will toward the city of El Paso. In fact, if asked five minutes ago, I would have guessed that the Sun Bowl is played in New Mexico. I randomly chose the Sun Bowl after realizing that the Bluebonnet Bowl crapped the bed. I digress. The

I'm especially offended by the argument that a playoff would subject college players to 15 or 16 games, which is "just too many."

@I Like Cheap Beer: Is it possible to be a fan of both Arizona and Arizona State?

@Weed Against Speed: That would explain DeAngelo's homage to the hair stylings of Mario Van Peebles.

Leach's head is in such a fog that he's about to lock himself in an equipment closet.

@ArkansasFred: Alaskan nights are long and cold. Even in the Governor's mansion.

@crazyjoedavola: Fuck Friendly's. Because my 18 mo. old, primate, glass-tippin, plate throwing, temper tamtrumming son, it's the only socially acceptable place for us to eat after 6:00 p.m and they don't serve beer... Seriously, fuck them in the chocolate Fribble factory.