
The highlight most associated with Rose is clearly of him diving into third with a triple. However, he's clearly a bigger fan of Doubles. #peterose

Mr. Ochocinco has long been a staunch proponent of the safety of embarrassment. #chadochocinco

@Jack Ruby's Hat: So there is this one anonymous SportsCenter anchor that bangs every fat white chick that comes within 50 feet of him. He doesn't even try to hide his horn-doggery. He'll nail some whale in the mens' room of the Bristol Applebees, walk out raising the roof, look at you cross eyed and yell Boo Yah.

Well, thanks. I'm glad we cleared that up. You asshole. I hope you get beaten like a redheaded stepchild.

"Wah Wah Wah."

GOOOOO Cancer!

@ClingingMars: Really? Twice in 24 hours? I guess you could make the argument that this use had some contextual relevance, but viewed in light of yesterday's DUAN comment, I'm beginning to think you just have a limited vocabulary. #larryjohnson

@Reg_Dunlop: Might I be so bold as to suggest you contact:

@MopUpReliever: I guess that I should have mentioned, this isn't directed to Kim_Jong_Illin. Rather, it's directed to anyone else that would otherwise have to look up "solipsistic." #donaldsterling

First AJ says no more Halloween costume pictures, then he posts some bull dyke dressed as Sammy Sosa for DUAN?

@Barb-A-Rod: In his defense, he went old-school and tried to catch it on his tongue. #timtebow

Ha ha ha ha. You dumb bastard. It's not a schooner... it's a Sailboat. #alexrodriguez

I don't blame him for wearing Nikes. I mean, UCF really pulled a bait and switch on him by voiding its contract with Nike and signing with Adidas after he was already committed to UCF.

Girardi stopped to help an accident victim, even though each former Yankee catcher is specifically granted the right to run over one pedestrian, no questions asked.

Lester Hunte scored 18 points for Northwood.

@karelj: tacit admission that he may have been a little over the top? This man is no Yankee fan! #worldseries