The loyalty of former Trojan hoops bosses runs deep. How else can one explain Henry Bibby restraining that skank's efforts to skull Floyd with the chair? #timfloyd
The loyalty of former Trojan hoops bosses runs deep. How else can one explain Henry Bibby restraining that skank's efforts to skull Floyd with the chair? #timfloyd
@ScientificMapp: But who designed the 3 piece suit and horn-rimmed glasses that you were wearing? #worldseries
"Do you have this suit in a 42 Douche?"
@twoeightnine: I'm guessing close to 23o. #peterking
And the Lord sayeth: Nice shirt, but you ain't getting me to take off my Gators #15 jersey. #pennstatenittanylions
I'll believe that Jeter actually drives a Ford Edge before I believe that he gives a shit about 10 morbidly obese losers shoe-horned into baseball pants. #derekjeter
God, Peter Angelos is such a dick! #running
@ClueHeywood: Smell my old media wagging finger. #espnhorndoggery
Nice picture. He looks almost drunk enough to drive home. #tonylarussa
"My father played for the coach from "rememeber the titans".
@Greek McPapadopoulos: Radcliffe. #nfl
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: I've got to admit, I'm surprised that only 54% of their homers were hit at home. #newyorkyankees
Bud Light in the Bathroom: Piss In, Piss out. #washingtonredskins
Justin's getting all emotional. Somebody give him a Huggy. #oaklandraiders
@DirkToberFest: 4. Anywhere south of Canal and east of Centre.
Baseball will announce that only veteran umps will work the World Series
@Durr T. Sanchez: Why? There aren't any fat chicks in the picture. #kansasstatewildcats
@tekamul: And we'll never learn what her avatar would have been. #mediameltdowns
@MarkKelsosMigraine: No big secret, I'm Rip Torn bitches.