
this poor woman's lap...

@MyDinnerWithAndreDawson: If the Court had approved Balsillie's bid, the NHL would have had a hell of a road to hoe in appealing. The difference in the bids (last I knew) was over $100,000,000. I understand that "highest and best" doesn't always equate to "highest," but that's a significant difference.

@Hit Bull Win Steak: ...and so continues the Commentariat's dogged pursuit of the ultimate Vick pun.

The 2012 Phenomenon is the biggest scam perpetrated on the American public since one-hour Martinizing.

@MarkKelsosMigraine: Actually, I think that is Steve Williams job. At least it is now because Fluff refused to spit in his hand.

BBissinger has no friends.

in the wake of today's ruling to reject his bid, it's clear that the judge made the right decision. The only decision.

Enrico Palazzo was less demonstrative.

So Yoked: Athletes Served Sunny Side Up

@I Like Cheap Beer: It also explains why Castleon State College just got thumped by Gallaudet University, the "world leader in liberal education and career development for deaf and hard of hearing undergraduate students."

@Elliot Boney: A third-rate soft core porno-and extremely poor angle (as you know)- Best Wishes.

@Steve U: A true Yankee would have claimed that the victim's own negligence was the proximate cause of her injuries.

He gets his powers from his third nipple.

And sweat pants in a strip club are very funny.

...since it's lenny's it would fetch several 10,000,000s of yen.

@Gourmet Spud: His cousin Lower Ninth is just an absolute mess over this.