
If you ever meet LT, don't tell him that Bo Jackson had a more dominating character in Tecmo Super Bowl. Just. Don't. Do It.

@Pedro Cuatro Cinco: You double the value of Caucasian blood percentage if the player

a controlling shareholder interest in the "New Jersey" team will be transferred to the group for a symbolic price.

Still, most of my Dominican teammates claim to carry a pistol with them wherever they go.

It's all an act. Michael J. Fox is less stable (assuming of course that he hasn't had his meds that day.)

From Around the Horn to I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, everything he touches turns to douche.

As soon as the homophobic coach hits the bricks, Peyton and the boys get down to business.

Jesuit Coach Adelman Naro Resigns After Second DUI Arrest [OregonLive]

What could someone 73 years old offer the Yankees?

@Kid Canada: Are you implying that he has an inherent ability to play the bass?

@ChanHoParkour: He's got serious guns under that warm up - concealed weapons.

I always thought FJM was created to pressure the Yawkey regime into making a managerial change after the Sox started the 1991 season 2-5. Learn something new every day.

The challenges on Biggest Loser are getting out of hand.

The J-Dubs are so pissed at Serena that they are not going to send her any Christmas or birthday presents this year.

I'd rather hear Brian Fallon break down the pros and cons of a 1-3-1 zone press than read what Paul Shirley thinks about British pop-rockers.

I thought the Jackson boob died on June 25th.

These are people who died - died?