
They have taken someone who is arguably one of the handsomest men on the planet and made him look like a wax work of a cadaver.

In other news, last night’s Supergirl episode was FANTASTIC. I’m not going to say it redeemed the absolutely horrible Toyman episode, but it was probably the best episode they’ve had all season.

Nah, Frank Langella did it with Skeletor. Besides, Doom was always more imperious and grandstanding than Vader.

No, FOX made a cinematic Dr. Doom impossible.

I really hope they cast Tilda Swinton as the Goblin King.

Errr... That’s how inspiration works? Especially when you’re trying to design something that looks utilitarian, realistic and modern? It would be bad if it was for a commercial product, but it’s for a movie prop...

You reckon correctly.

I imagine that SF/ Fantasy is going to reap the most benefits from it, as well. When your only limit is putting your vision into a computer to be printed, you can make some pretty out of this world stuff.

I reckon 3D printers have done a lot to revolutionize prop construction. It used to be that finding objects that fit your need was cheaper/faster than attempting to build something out of whole cloth, especially if you needed a few of them but not so many that you could pay to have them made cheaply. But with printers

This sounds like it could be good, based on the talent involved, but something tells me like the clever shows NBC’s had in the past (Constantine, The Player) it will get screwed by the network in favor of a cop show.

A genre series on FOX? Can I guess it’s inevitable cancellation headline?

yea Roddenberry, really wanted the Federation/Starfleet to be utopian, and it was always the other aliens/races that had the problem. like you said that changed alot in later shows

there are a fair few esp where they did not across all the shows, but i guess when your comparing 700+ esp and 12 movies to star wars 7 movies then its going to be a bit unbalaced

“good triumphs over evil, always”.....hmm you dont watch enough star trek, its anything but black and white.

This team Definitely deserve an Emmy award for special effects

Given that we haven’t seen any DCCU movie besides MoS yet... Nah, I don’t buy it. Maybe it will be like Guardians of the Galaxy. Everybody being afraid of it being a clash when instead it went great. Suicide Squad looks great, but I’m not sure of the rest of the pictures.

If BvS:DoJ becames a F4ntastic, it could ruin

There is no way they won’t play the triangle up all season!

I have a feeling Jason Wilkes isn’t dead.

I think this might be a mistake, because I have not been blown away by any of the fight scenes they have shown. And with every shot of her I have two thoughts, “Why haven’t they shown her speaking?” and “She is totally not big enough.”