They did remake the prequels — it’s a TV show called “Clone Wars” and it’s great. It has the Anakin Skywalker that we all wanted to see.
They did remake the prequels — it’s a TV show called “Clone Wars” and it’s great. It has the Anakin Skywalker that we all wanted to see.
Triforce Heroes used an existing engine, largely existing art assets/animations, etc etc. The only development needed was level design and network code and it was ready to go. MUCH shorter and cheaper design cycle than a traditional Zelda game. When you’ve lost your money maker for the holiday season (Zelda U) you…
Both of those games seemed like low cost / high reward games from a company that needed a couple of quickly developed big sellers after realizing it wouldn’t be getting Zelda Wii U money this year.
It’s not entitlement. The group of people who desire single player and don’t care for multiplayer is simply a different segment of the market. I’m not owed a single player mode any more than I’m obligated to buy a sports game that I don’t give two craps about. It’s not entitlement to say, “if that football game had…
Why is the map in twilight when the battle in the movie was broad daylight?
Some lip balms provide a sunscreen as well. What is the ingredient that does that?
That seems like a bit of an exaggeration for something like this. For as long as I can remember, Chewbacca being a former slave has been an integral part of his character. I don’t know why they wouldn’t continue with that especially after Rebels showed other enslaved Wookiees. And I haven’t read Aftermath yet but the…
It looks like a couple of the new books (“Aftermath” and a young adult book “Smuggler’s Run”) have re-established that. And I think it may have even been mentioned in the original novelizations (which aren’t fully accurate, but generally count)
Yes, Chewie’s enslavement was re-established in a couple of the new books (“Aftermath” and a young adult book “Smuggler’s Run”)
I had to watch with subtitles. Thought it was just me.
I think you are confusing cryotherapy and cryolipolysis (“Coolsculpting”)... One is for body/joint aches and the other is for targeted local fat reduction... who in their right mind claims cryotherapy is for fat loss?
I mean, it certainly tasted like cappuccino. Good job there. But on a chip? It felt wrong on a fundamental level. Very disconcerting to eat, lol.
Whenever I’ve ordered truffle fries they just end up tasting like extra greasy normal fries :\
I thought the complaints weren’t about her being pretty or not, but rather about her musculature or lack thereof. I don’t know anything about her as I’ve not seen any of her previous work, and am waiting for the movie. But she has a good presence in that trailer.
What to expect? Intermittently entertaining stupidity.
I don’t know who they are, but is she a giant or is that just a tiny man?
It kinda looks like they based it on their Spirit Lords game. The play mechanics were fun enough but the original storyline didn’t hold my interest... maybe that will change with this one! I’ll give it a shot at least.
It would last LONGER, due to the radiation preventing decomposition.