
The abandoned, wood-framed, blown-in-half houses which would have rotted to dust in 50 years. The existence of wood-framed anything still standing 200 years after a nuclear assault leveled the area.

You are correct about Jade Empire!

Nissan still makes seats that are uncomfortable for tall people! My current car will be my first and last Nissan primarily for that reason.

Going from the Source to CS:GO versions was very jarring. The GO version felt so visually noisy and cluttered. I’m sure that was the point but I couldn’t deal. Then again I was more of a casual player anyway.

I just listened through a few sample tracks and to me the biggest draw is her songs sound like traditional country, rather than the pop-rock-country stuff that we have today. The Willie allusion in the article is appropriate. This is the first country album I’ll pick up in years (the last might have been Willie’s It


So this might not be a complete reboot/remake? I saw a quote from Aykroyd (who I didn’t realize was Executive Producing this one) that mentions, in part:

I guess they are obliquely referencing that it is a 3-player game?

That is a RELIEF.

Are you kidding me? So this is effectively a single player game then. The times I played 4 Swords/Anniversary with more than one other person I can count on one finger (and that was in a Nintendo World Store).
*breathes* Ok I just saw this will have online co-op. So I guess as long as a friend and I can join the same

I don’t think I’ve ever heard that euphemism for the d before. ...Oh, sorry, is that not what you meant? ...Ah... I’ll show myself out.

Came here to say the same thing. Get on it, GQ!

I am so fking tired of getting John Harrisoned.

Acknowledge what was there before and then do new things. That’s how a franchise works. The same question could be asked about Star Trek TNG - why was it important that it was connected to the original show even if the setting, characters, tech are all different? Having that pre-existing world and mythology was a boon

Wiig’s wig is terrible...

I didn’t see him arguing for the same props/costumes. It’s only logical that new tech would be developed in the 25 years since the second movie. However the very nature of the remake is that they’ll have similar stuff.

Give me a break. Plots will be similar between similar movies. But even a similar plot can build from what happened before, as Jurassic World built onto the world established in the first movie. That’s not what people are worried about. Hell, the plots of the first two GB movies were nearly identical. Your comparison

Yes! I thought I was going crazy before I realized that was happening. At first it seemed like outfits were appearing and disappearing randomly but some do seem to be gender specific. Though it doesn’t make sense as some are things like combat fatigues which have equivalents for both genders and still look the same.

Hmm, you’ve checked the contents of your storage space through the menu in the lower right? I don’t think things are supposed to take up space once they’ve been assigned.