You don’t have to organize it “for real”, but buy some gallon-size Ziploc bags and keep each set together.
You don’t have to organize it “for real”, but buy some gallon-size Ziploc bags and keep each set together.
I’ve reached the point where I have a dedicated Lego Closet for all the boxes. I think I need to start slowing down with my purchases as said closet is now full.
Okay, but is that gif from a pirated version of the film? Probably not cool I think
Maybe this is how you unlock single-player DLC.
I was promised a naked run, who knows how much rad resistance those boxer briefs secretly give.
“Completely” naked though? ^_-
I don’t think Volkswagen’s problem is finding a unique selling point. “We’re the company that blatantly lied to you about the car you were buying and cheated on multiple governments for years” is pretty unique already.
I don’t think most of these questions are all that personal, with the exception of, “are you guys sleeping together” ( but I have never ever witnessed a random relative ask such a thing).
Calling out the people (21 and up), whom created this industry before you were out of diapers, ain’t the smartest route to choose buddy. I play multiplayer games on consoles and the master race but if the game isn’t worth the money then complaints are warranted. I would look in the mirror before saying the word…
The order of the motivations Popple provides seems backwards and slants to the negative— for instance, if family and friends at holiday get togethers ask how the job search is going, it is most likely they are concerned and want to encourage you. I always try to assume that people have the best motivation when asking…
I don’t think it’s entitlement as long as I don’t intend to buy and play the game. Which, if it’s an fps competitive multiplayer only for example, I won’t. What I do feel is going on is when a game series that’s been always offering a more than (subjectively) decent single-player campaign (let’s say call of duty)…
I didn’t say “all kids these days.” Just like I wouldn’t say all older gamers prefer single-player (I have a number of friends who are older gamers and who prefer multiplayer). When people use the word “entitled” it rankles me and it’s become more widely used, incorrectly, every day. “Entitled” is sort of like the new…
I don’t hate on MP only games and I’m in that age group. I don’t typically buy them either. I go for games like Gears of War that have a great campaign and MP modes. I’ve just never seen a MP only game that gives me enough to justify paying full price for it. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Oh bullshit. If they want a story campaign then they have every right to complain if they don’t get one. I don’t agree with them but to call it entitlement it ridiculous.
I know A LOT of people who aren’t buying Star Wars Battlefront because its missing a story campaign. If it had that I think more people would be willing to make the initial investment.
Am I supposed to respond with “Said Nobody Ever.” Is this a veiled hint at sarcasm?
you don't sound healthy
Take note: it being on paper a good business idea, doesn’t mean that it translates into a good game.
Life. People don’t always do what you wish. They don’t have to talk to you. They are not new to this industry and its up to them. You decided to do something they didn’t like. I don’t talk to people who piss me off. Professionally I will, if I have too and there is value to my business. If the developers don’t see any…