
J’onn impersonating Lord was the highlight of the episode, I think.

I thought they actually did something good with Winn for once! His story was interesting! I mean I still want him to put on a Toyman mask and become a supervillain but good job show. Kiss ruined it a bit but I hope this is going to end the annoying romantic tumor there.

He’s just repeating a stupid truism that if you buy something cheap, you will eventually have to replace it, which makes it less cheap.

My scenario might illustrate your point: I am a graduate student, and I have been in college since 2007 (and a grad student since 2011). As someone on the older-end of students, I am married and have a very domestic life. But my wife and I have been living off of scholarships for years; we have no debt, but our actual

500 dollars for an IKEA end table? My IKEA end tables cost 7 dollars. They hold things perfectly fine.

As a 27 year old newly-married guy, with student loans, living in my first apartment, I can’t imagine spending $2000 on a table. In fact, I can’t imagine spending anything on a dining table - the one we use was bought on Craigslist for $50 (with chairs).

But.. not every quality piece of furniture costs that much. You can find excellent quality furniture for not much more than Ikea, or in vintage shops, thrift stores and antique markets. Also, if you do some research on Ikea products, they do have some items that will last a really long time and which are inexpensive.

You spent $500 a piece on end tables at Ikea? You’re doing it wrong

Sorry, but I’m skeptical. Ikea doesn’t even have $500 end tables. The most expensive piece they have is 250.

He has a daughter named Demora. We meet her in Star Trek Generations.

Sulu did have a daughter, she was the helmsmen of the Enterprise B in Generations.

and showing religious people, Bajorans who believed in The Prophets, who are not always zealots trying to force their belief on others.

Putting religion not just on the sidelines, but making it a frequent source of conflict and skepticism hit me pretty hard as a kid. Certainly other shows have picked it up and run with it, Babylon 5 being a good example, but no one ever put it quite as succinctly as Star Trek.

It’s like the production team got together and said okay Superman was a dick in Man of Steel so how can we make him a bag of dicks for Superman v Batman?

It’s almost like Bruce Wayne isn’t a particularly even-keeled, well-balanced individual.

I think for once, it ACTUALLY works in this context. Like, it’s Batman being a bit of a ballsy jerk even though he just got whupped resoundingly. In all the other trailers it just comes off as ridiculous and even a little whiny.

They hate timed exclusivity deals more than they hate the show going away completely? I would call those people idiots.

The production bill is being entirely footed by HBO, whilst creative control remains totally with PBS. It’s an incredibly good thing the show and the viewers. But yes, OUTRAGE and INDIGNATION for a show the writer probably hasn’t watched in 20 or 30 years.

Now, the beloved show is only for people who can afford to have HBO.