
As much as I’ve tried to speak for the critical side, I am hopeful for this film. Pegg is definitely a Star Trek guy. Lin I think may be as well but I haven’t seen his take yet (and I’d acknowledge that.)

You know what’s great? That Lin and Pegg are just straight up ignoring the game changing things introduced in the last movie. (magic blood, stargates, etc...) I mean, if you wrote yourself into a corner, the best thing for you and the audience is to just ignore it and pretend like it never happened. Just make a sequel

This is no joke. Actors like Hardy might seem like they will never run out of money, but this is a what-have-you-done-for-lately business and someone like him can be easily forgotten if he doesn’t stay on top of the next job.

I am not sure why it is bad for an actor who lost a well paying role to bemoan the fact that he lost a well paying role.

“he gets anywhere near the patron saint of honest interviewing: Daniel Craig.”

“Sabotage” was released in 1994, so there’s still 6 years of the 90s for the Eugenics Wars to have been held...? Maybe?

Clearly this is an Easter decoration.

Yeah, neither the vibe or content feel like good fits. I come for the community, and the pieces about science fiction and storytelling. I don’t give a tiny little shit about giz breathlessly detailing the *slightly* better features of every phone, or app reviews, or how to set up a content blocker.

I rarely frequent Gizmodo. It just doesn’t have the same family feeling as io9. People rarely argue or are disrespectful on i09, and it feels much like a collaborative effort where people support each other and are very positive of each other’s projects or viewpoints. I don’t think Gizmodo has that kind of


Yeah, yeah. I don’t like this. I’d like to have one site where we can get news about actual tech, and a separate site that deals with fantasy and sci-fi. They should not be covered on a single site, and I am skeptical that you can do both of them well.

Oh good, that means we can expect I09 to be full of click bait garbage like this.

“Look kids, we’re playing “Sabotage” again - like in the fun one ya’ll kinda liked!”

“Make it seem more like Guardians of the Galaxy, people liked that movie way more than our last one.”

So much for their 5 year mission.

I like the look of the redesigned standard uniforms, the ladies get sleeves this time around.

Why is there a motorcycle in this?

Really? Dirt bike stunt jumps? REALLY?

Is this really a Star Trek film? It looks more like Micheal Bay meets random chaos

Look at all that scientific exploration!