
I don’t think Volkswagen’s problem is finding a unique selling point. “We’re the company that blatantly lied to you about the car you were buying and cheated on multiple governments for years” is pretty unique already.

Additionally, I find it ironic that the thesis is “the prequels flat out sucked”, but then states that by removing 20 minutes of material they are now watchable/enjoyable. Doesn’t really follow does it?

As someone who has watched them through, I HEAVILY recommend watching the original version of Revenge of the Sith. This guy went overboard and totally mangles some of the movie’s best moments (he largey guts the Anakin burning scene, for one.)


I always hated their dialogue even as a kid, but after recently reading the official explanitation of why they act like that I love them now.

I don’t know why everyone can’t just agree that Lucas is a great mythmaker, high-level storyteller, and leader of a team of worldbuilding artists, who also just happens to suck really bad at writing dialogue and directing, particularly directing actors. He doesn’t have to be either a genius in every area or a

They were admittedly silly. But sometimes silliness is warranted. Glad they kept it in The Clone Wars.

Childish Battle Droid dialog removed

why not just do gothic-deco instead of trying to throw this modern-fusion shit into it.

That thing is God awful fuck ugly.

It’s like if you gave Square Enix a lot of cocaine and $100B to make a skyscraper.

Designed by Ivo Shandor to pull in and concentrate spiritual turbulence.

What an ugly mess of crap stuck to it. Modern skyscrapers might be boring but there surely has to be a middle ground that doesn’t involve buildings that look like they were coated in glue and then rolled around a junk drawer.

That shot of Storm arriving by thunderbolt and the one with Angel - wow.

Storm is going to be Plague? Will she be bringing out a plague of Toads?

Woo, Nightcrawler! I’ve loved him ever since he showed up in the 90s animated series and made Wolverine look like a fool. Hoping the elf gets some good screen time!

I don’t think most of these questions are all that personal, with the exception of, “are you guys sleeping together” ( but I have never ever witnessed a random relative ask such a thing).

The order of the motivations Popple provides seems backwards and slants to the negative— for instance, if family and friends at holiday get togethers ask how the job search is going, it is most likely they are concerned and want to encourage you. I always try to assume that people have the best motivation when asking

Take note: it being on paper a good business idea, doesn’t mean that it translates into a good game.