
I’m always impressed with how GOOD the American accents of British actors can be. I would bet that if you sat down 100 people who were fans of House, and showed them some old Fry & Laurie episodes, their heads would explode.

As also seen in Spectre, he’s just enormous.

That’s what I’m rolling with. The series production B-wings would have had the super laser removed to preserve the hyperdrive. Otherwise the Rebels have more firepower than makes sense.

His Mr. Hinx is fucking terrifying.

can you remove the orb from the bad or is one Hal stuck to it? That's the deciding factor for me.

I wasn’t suggesting she was in cahoots with the Sith, just that she knew more than she was letting on and Qui-Gonn was allowing because he liked and respected her (no matter what anyone says, I always thought he had a soft spot for her).

It’s in the background in Mos Eisley. Adding stuff to the shoes to make it look like a trade hub was honestly just fine, it’s the terrible CGI creature effects that have agreed the worst.

The Clone Wars has shown that yes, a Jedi can willingly leave the order and the Jedi will let you go. You of course loose all the privileges and rank associated with a Jedi within the Republic so any vigilantism you do would likely be illegal.

Is the Droids TV series canon?

1) The new Star Wars Marvel comics have established pretty quickly that Vader is indeed a “celebrity” galaxy wide. Star Wars Rebels implies the same thing.

He was not part of that Rebel cell. It’s the same reason they didn’t have A-Wings and B-Wings but the Rebels in Star Wars Rebels do. It’s only later, when they combine their fleets to attack the second Death Star that we see all the cells combined.

There’s actually no policy of celibacy - just a policy of “no serious emotional attachments, no love.”

This is meta, but are you guys still planning on changing the default pages for Wookieepedia to ‘canon’ instead of ‘legends?’ Is there a date planned for that, if so?

To give me an excuse to abandon it wholly.

It was in the Special Edition, in the scene where you see a Stormtrooper riding a dewback in Tatooine... “Look, sir, droids!”

I guess he’s counting the special, remastered, HD, etc, etc editions? There is a landing craft in the entering Mos Eisley scene of the special edition of A New Hope.

I love Scott Park’s illustrations but the scales are off. It starts to go wrong in the starfighter sizes and then further up.

Most people who hated Into Darkness actually didn’t mind the original 2009 reboot.

At least that’s my experience.

I don’t think keeping the secret was a bad idea. It was all in the execution. Their flat out denials and redirecting of questions when pressed on the subject made the production team seem holier than thou to everyone.