
The voice of reason!

I think most fans primary complaint is that since the prequels George really became defensive about this being exactly his vision from the start. Furthermore he keeps saying stuff that is inconsistent with what he told us decades ago. I think your assessment is spot on, he was overflowing with ideas is probably the

Lucas not creative? There are a great many charges that can be leveled at him, but a lack of creativity is not one of them.

This is true. Ive been to sky walker ranch, there are 1970s note books in the display case at the front door and as the prequals were the thing at the time the notes on naboo and leias backs story were open. There’s only a few lines about this but they are real. Even the look as it mentioned venice style cities on a

Oh I completely agree that Lucas’s beef with his father and authority was deeply entwined in his work. It’s definitely there in THX-1138 and in American Graffiti. But the ‘always there’ idea that Vader was Luke’s father didn’t develop until Empire’s scripting stage.

He did carve out a role for himself as a creative consultant, and he was serving in a dramaturgical capacity on Ep. VII. Per Bloomberg in 2013:

The story of the birth of the Empire—all that stuff with the Emperor manipulating trade barons and commerce guilds—is actually one of the things that did not change between the early ‘70s and The Phantom Menace. He lays it all out to Alan Dean Foster in a series of interviews (transcribed by Charles Lippincott) to

Yes! Thank you. Every time someone says he was just making stuff up on the fly I’m like, “No shit. It’s called writing a story.” You don’t know what the hell your characters are planning to do half the time and all the sudden you happen upon something halfway through the story that just makes perfect sense and casts

If you read his original treatment and draft for Star Wars, you’ll see that a lot of ideas that end up in Episode 1 are actually there. They’re just as different as Annakin Starkiller is from Luke Skywalker, but those seeds and types of ideas are totally there.

I don’t ever claim he lied. In fact, I don’t think he does very much ‘lying’ at all. I think he is a storyteller, and that for him once the story is formed (be it the story in the movie, or the story OF the movie) he has a hard time seeing it as anything but the whole anymore.

The flip side, is that people assume the creative process is linear, and it very much is not. He likely played with a lot of those notions as he was formulating the story. A lot of the stuff in the prequels was there in different forms, in early drafts of ANH. No, he didn’t have every detail planned in advance, the

True, but I am sure not everything that was discussed between Disney and Lucas over the time from initial discussions through to the sale is spelled out clearly in the legal sales documents. It’s entirely possible (and likely) that there was some discussion about Lucas continuing to have input into the stories that

Good lord the hate is strong on so many on here.

Spoken as someone who loves cats, this is ridiculous. Cats ambush each other all the time out of playfulness, and their standard ‘holy shit’-response is to leap into the air. Hell, when my oldest cat was young he was lonely, so I sometimes hid behind corners just to play with him. Today he is the safest, most

He’s willing to be that silly all. the. time.

No, because they will then lose their fear of snakes and likely die in the wild thinking “oh, that’s just a salad ingredient” or form unnatural bonds with the snakes and you’ll end up with catsnake babies slithering all over your yard.

Are those coconuts?

That’s the arrogance of the Jedi. Even as the future becomes more clouded and the return of the Sith more and more obvious, the Council are so far up their own collective asses that they’re convinced that literally nothing can go wrong. That’s why their response to Sifo-Dyas secretly creating an Army of the Republic

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones is universally considered the worst Star Wars film.

Nonsense - it’s not “universally” considered any such thing.