
Attack of the Clones is a much better movie than Phantom Menace.

Life. People don’t always do what you wish. They don’t have to talk to you. They are not new to this industry and its up to them. You decided to do something they didn’t like. I don’t talk to people who piss me off. Professionally I will, if I have too and there is value to my business. If the developers don’t see any

Look, here’s the basic premise. You get a leak and publish it? Go for it. Is that your job? If the leak is valid then yes, sure, it is your job. But, it is also the job of the marketing department to do what is best for them and their game. And, if they judge that the best for them is to cut Kotaku off from early

Watergate uncovered that a sitting president had his people break in to an opposition party’s offices, install bugs for spying, and harass political opponents. All of which are illegal activities. That clearly falls in the domain of investigative journalism as an important service for the greater public good.

Exactly - they’re talking out both sides of their mouth here, and I’m not sure what the aim of it is.

Yeah, my reply to this is that those companies don’t owe kotaku access. They don’t have to answer their questions or include them on their PR list. I don’t understand running to the readers for sympathy.

Black Sun was already part of the new canon thanks to The Clone Wars. Darth Maul recruited them for his Shadow Collective. Black sun being run by Falleen royalty is also established so it wouldn’t be out of question for a sweet Prince Xizor name drop.

Not sure how to take this when the site published 10 ‘Fallout 4’ pieces between the game’s release and the site’s review. You’re doing post-release marketing for Bethesda, even if you don’t realize it. Personally, I didn’t even see any need for you to post a review, considering you’d extensively covered the game in a

Aaaand... you are trying to shame them into stop ignoring you? Your work became harder, yes, but isn’t the point of journalism in digging shit and bringing it to the surface? Also setting up the guy from new york times is a dick move imo.

Well, it was him in the first episode (the clip I included). I haven’t seen the most recent one. Did they not get him back?

I don’t think that was Rex himself, but rather a droid of the same model.

The CGI shot of Grodd backlit by the glowing portal was a thing of beauty. Possibly the best made for TV effect shot I’ve ever seen.

Both Barry and Joe are obviously ok with murder, so I'm not surprised.

So what you’re saying is there’s a chance

Chopstick Resting Bitch Face

Considering their design style for their ships and the way everything they make could be described with the word “menacing,” I think you’ve hit the nail on the head

I always rationalized the empire’s very visible armor was a way to send a message to their enemies, that they are so powerful that they don’t care about hiding and covert tactics, they WANT for you to know that they are coming.

See, people complained about it being too hard to win as the rebels on Hoth in the beta (it wasn’t) but I loved it. The game has a sort of meta asymetric quality to it that ties in with the lore that I appreciate as a fan. The rebels didn’t have an advantage on Hoth against the Empire’s technological superiority and

Same way the Patriots defeated the redcoats and Vietnam held back the U.S.