
There is only one that can save the MCU.

Honestly then here is the Fauxcused scoop on Gotham.

Thing is... Gotham is hated on for no good reason other than it’s cool to hate.... It’s good in that there really is nothing on TV like it. The villains get most of the stories and they are disturbed and campy. Basically it’s Dick Tracy esque but darker. Rather than let what you have read on here affect you, give it a

“The kid is a lying, theiving murderer and the pearl clutchers are losing their minds that she was bitch slapped.”

For twenty years I fell for the greatest Star Trek WTF costume trickery ever done, I was convinced it was a prosthetic. I was shocked to learn later in life, that Khan’s boobs were real.

Agreed. He’s much better at pretending to be English.

Would somebody give this man a role in a Pixar film?

Actually, I think he’s done with the nonstop barrage of the same fucking questions over and over. For months and years on end.

I thought the whole point of the network television police procedural was to be absolutely mind numbingly safe without challenging anybody’s expectations or brainpower, and in fact insulting the latter at every opportunity. It’s McDonald’s only for television. You know exactly what you’re getting every time out, and

Yeah, but a ship is named different from before, so stuff is awkward now, you know.

This article pretty much irks. Especially with the “when Lucas wrote the prequels” bit. Sorry but movie>everything else. he didn’t have to look at the expanded universe for anything. Yes he licensed it and he also had strict rules but in the end the movies new or old will always trump comics, books, or games in terms

I was thinking through the whole episode that its kind of a shame that we don’t have The Joker’s ambiguous past like we do with some portrayals of him. Its kind of fun to not know exactly how or why The Joker got to be the way he was, and I think it was one of the smartest parts of The Dark Knight movie.

Good fucking gravy. This article exemplifies every irksome quality that plagues modern nerddom. Younger generations are leaving organized religion in droves and I have no desire to see them replicate the church experience through secular pop-culture. I enjoy a good pedantic argument now and then, but please save the

Stop saying Star Wars was rebooted, they just said all the EU is now oficially level 2 canon, wich is weird because it had always been that way

What they basically did was stablish that everything away from the movies is not false unless proven otherwise, that means that most of the content after VI got suposedly axed

He wasn’t on set directing them, but if you think he just handed Kershner the script and told him to use his best judgment, you’re delusional. Lucas was very hands-on as a producer and the movies reflected his vision. Fans like to say otherwise primarily because they can then preserve their strange belief that the

It’s never nice to see continuity massively retconned to make way for a ‘reboot’ (although in this case that’s debatable), but I feel it’s worth mentioning that the old EU had plenty of convoluted and even crappy stuff, thanks to so many authors getting to mess with the license.

Zahn, Stackpole, and a few others put out some great EU books. But for the most part the old EU was standard schlock that sold because of the Star Wars name, and some books like The Crystal Star were absolutely wretched.

Yeah, if you think “the prequels were an insult” then go get punched in the face.

It should be mentioned that a few things in the now-retconned Expanded Universe made their way into the series proper - Palpantine’s name and Coruscant, for instance. Lightsabers absorbing Force Lightning too. So it’s not completely gone! (And we still have our memories).